Goats on the Go: A New Breed of Pipeline Patrols

The familiar sound of bleating goats roaming in northern British Columbia is nothing new. But these goats, donning yellow Enbridge bandanas on their necks, are anything but ordinary.

Supporting a Diverse Workforce at Dow

We strive to provide Team Dow with flexible, inclusive benefits, policies and programs that drive engagement and cultivate a positive employee experience.

Understanding the Role of ESG Raters and Rankers in Corporate Sustainability

What's the difference between ESG ratings and rankings? Learn about these two approaches and their significance in evaluating companies' sustainability performance.

Attracting & Developing Diverse Talent at Dow

By focusing on improving representation across multiple dimensions of diversity, we are cultivating an innovative workplace driven by a wide range of experience, ideas and expertise.

Maximizing Engagement Through Dow's Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

From innovation to improving the customer experience, Dow’s ERGs drive action both inside and outside of the company. Our ERGs are a source of community and connection, while also amplifying impact by aligning to strategic company priorities.

The Clorox Company Foundation Promotes Community Well-Being With 27 New Grants

The Clorox Company Foundation is continuing its longstanding tradition of promoting well-being and inclusivity within communities, awarding 27 grants to organizations focusing on literacy, racial justice, STEM education and youth development.

BIER Member Spotlight: Aude Charbonneaux

My role centers around climate and environment, and I am responsible for rolling out part of our 2030 Sustainability & Responsibility roadmap, ‘Good Times from a Good Place’ to make it operational and especially to track performance around the climate and environment.

Changing the Face of a City

For thousands who worked on the London Games (and, I suspect, any Olympic Games), our experiences – challenging, exhausting and euphoric – are seared forever into our DNA, life-changing, career-defining, and deeply engrained with the physical space of the Olympic Park.

Antea Group Receives Avetta's Operational Excellence Leader Award

Antea Group is honored to have been awarded the Operational Excellence Leader award from Avetta!

LA Kings and SoCal Gas Partner With North East Trees to Beautify the Augustus F. Hawkins Nature Park in South Los Angeles

Once the site of a cement storage yard, the Augustus F. Hawkins Nature Park is a dense space filled with walking trails, rolling hills, wildflowers, and trees. 

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