Optimizing Energy Management at FedEx Facilities

We aim to continuously improve the sustainability, reduce the environmental impact, and increase the efficiency of our more than 5,000 air and ground hubs, local stations, freight service centers, and retail locations.

Webster Bank Corporate Responsibility Report: Responsible Governance

This commitment starts with comprehensive governance structures, policies, management committees and practices designed to ensure transparency in reporting and accountability for our Board of Directors and senior management.

LyondellBasell 2022 Sustainability Report: Taking Climate Action

Addressing climate change is one of the most pressing challenges our world faces and we believe collective action and a sense of urgency are needed.

Optimizing Toward a Smaller Footprint at FedEx

We have ambitious sustainability goals, and electrifying a substantial portion of our global fleet of over 215,000 motorized vehicles is a crucial component of our path to carbon neutral operations.

Webster Bank Corporate Responsibility Report: Environmental Sustainability

We continue to advance plans to create further efficiencies in our operations and reduce our emissions, including increasing the amount of green energy used for our facilities. Across our footprint, we seek to maintain low-emission and energy-efficient working environments.

How Artificial Intelligence and Technology Are Used To Minimise the Environmental Impact of Data Centres and Cloud Computing

​For the past two decades, digital transformation has been at the forefront of many corporate conversations as the world’s carbon emissions continue to increase.

Rail Industry Must Invest in Better Mental Health Support, Charity Says

Almost one in five rail workers have suffered physical abuse at work, prompting Samaritans to urge the rail industry to invest in vital mental health support.

Talent Dearth Holding Back ESG Push in Asia Financial Sector • an Interview With Acre’s Paddy Balfour

Paddy Balfour, Executive Director - APAC, was recently interviewed by The Asset to discuss the current talent squeeze affecting sustainable finance and ESG-related roles, and where the current opportunities and constraints are being felt.

Sappi’s Ideas That Matter Designers Think Globally, Make Impact Locally

This year, Ideas that Matter tracked how projects align with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which Sappi has embraced globally as part of our sustainability initiatives.

150 Years of Better Care for a Better World: Kimberly-Clark Reports Progress Toward 2030 Sustainability Goals

Kimberly-Clark today published its annual sustainability report, including an update on the company's progress toward its 2030 sustainability strategy and goals.

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