CSRHub’s Bahar Gidwani Speaking at ESG5 Summit

Skytop Strategies will launch its ESG5 Summit on April 4th in New York. CSRHub Co-founder and CTO Bahar Gidwani will be speaking on Materiality: Aligning Materiality to Your Company’s Business Model.

JetBlue’s Icema Gibbs Named 2019 CSR Professional of the Year by PR News

Icema Gibbs, JetBlue’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and one of the airline’s founding members, was named PR News’ 2019 CSR Corporate Professional of the Year.

PRWeek U.S. Awards 2019: The Winners

Announcing the 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award Recipients

The 2019 Business for Peace Honourees who are delivering opportunities for women, minorities and diverse and disadvantaged groups

Schneider Electric Wins 2019 Climate Leadership Award for Organizational Leadership

The Organizational Leadership award not only recognizes the company’s own comprehensive greenhouse gas inventories and aggressive emissions reduction goals, but also its internal response and engagement of its employees, partners, and supply chain to commit to carbon neutrality.

CBRE Named to Center for Companies That Care’s Honor Roll for Twelfth Consecutive Year

CBRE Group, Inc. announced that it has been named to Center for Companies That Care’s Honor Roll for the 12th consecutive year. The Center for Companies that Care recognizes employers for outstanding workplace practices and active community involvement.

The Good, The Bad and The Blind Spot of Corporate Sustainability Rankings

No matter the industry, business stakeholders care about lists – who’s on them and who’s on top. Consider this small sampling: Fast Company’s “50 Most Innovative Companies” list, Fortune’s “Change the World” list, Forbes’ “The World’s Most Reputable Companies” list, or Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Work.”

XPRIZE Identifies 10 Future Breakthroughs Required to Protect Our Forests

Today, on the United Nations’ International Day of Forests, XPRIZE is releasing the Future of Forests Impact Roadmap, created in partnership with Kimberly-Clark Corporation. The digital report and its interactive website, based on future foresight techniques, illustrate the breakthroughs required for a healthier forest ecosystem, which might be the basis of future XPRIZE competitions.

Smithfield Foods Executive Earns National Supply Chain Award

Smithfield Foods, Inc. is pleased to announced that Chris Lahti, vice president of distribution, has been named a “Rock Star of the Supply Chain” by Food Logistics magazine. The award recognizes champions in the global food and beverage supply chain industry whose achievements, hard work, and vision have shaped and attained milestones in safety, efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Lahti received this honor for his efforts and his team’s role in supply chain consolidation initiatives within the company, which resulted in significant operational, sustainability, and economic benefits.

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