Vistra's Dynegy Selected to Power Chicago's Iconic Willis Tower with Wind Energy

Vistra's retail energy brand, Dynegy, today announced that it has entered into a multi-year partnership with Chicago’s iconic Willis Tower to provide 100% renewable electricity to the Tower.

Regenerative Retrofit: California's First Living Building.

Ecotone Publishing, the industry’s original green architecture and design publisher, today announced the release of the seventh book in the Living Building Challenge Series titled Regenerative Retrofit: California’s First Living Building, researched and written by Juliet Grable.

UPS Announces New Environmental Commitment Supporting Underserved Communities Globally

The growing urgency of supporting environmental and social justice efforts around the world has fueled a new commitment by UPS to plant more than 50 million trees by 2030, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals period (2015-2030).

Saving People and Mangroves on Sierra Leone's Coast

Tetra Tech’s David Goodman discusses how the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change (WA BiCC) program aims to save both people and mangroves in the coastal landscape of Sierra Leone.

Arbor Day Foundation Receives Award to Grow Natural Climate Solutions

Through the generous support of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Nature Conservancy’s Natural Climate Solutions Accelerator program announced the award of $860,000 to be split among five projects designed to help scale climate change...

EarthX Debuts Their New EarthXTV Channel During Climate Week Six Days of Programming Showcase

With the mission of becoming the foremost streaming platform for environmental and sustainability programming, EarthX has announced a robust schedule of programming for Climate Week on EarthXTV.

Aligning to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Despite the impacts of COVID-19, Dow is joining other companies that have aligned their sustainability commitments to the SDGs and are accelerating their actions to commit to climate action.

Republic Services Named 2020 Organics Recycler of the Year

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) has been named 2020 Organics Recycler of the Year by the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA), which honors innovators and leaders in the industry who have made substantial contributions to recycling.

Duke Energy's Green Source Advantage Continues Solar Expansion in North Carolina

Duke University has become the first academic institution to execute a renewable power agreement under Duke Energy’s Green Source Advantage (GSA) program – further expanding solar energy in North Carolina.

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  3. WWF Sustainability Works Blog
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  4. IWBI | WELL Building Standard
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  5. Sustainable Products and Innovation
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  6. Fifth Third’s Neighborhood Program
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