Supply Chain Slavery Is Quickly Becoming An Issue That All Companies Need To Tackle

Is human trafficking and modern day slavery becoming an increasing issue within supply chains? We are seeing it more in the media that larger corporations, that typically have vastly larger supply chains, are finding issues with human trafficking and slavery. Companies handle compliance related issues, such as conflict minerals and corruption, within their supply chains, and have to be aware if any issue arises. Those same supply chains that have the potential risk also carry with it the possibility of slavery and human trafficking.

2015 SEED Award for Environmental Excellence Winners Announced

Republic Services works hand-in-hand with Carson High School on their recycling and composting initiatives. Carson High School was recently awarded the 2015 SEED Award for Environmental Excellence. In this category, Carson High competed against four other nominees, including Los Angeles World Airport (LAX). Carson High School was recognized for their sustainable efforts while being a student-run program. This is the second time the Carson High School program has been recognized. This year, Republic worked with Carson High to build off their program, and we are pleased that other high schools within LAUSD are now interested in duplicating the program at their schools.

Crunching Numbers to Clean Beaches and Oceans

Cleaning up garbage from the beaches of southern Japan, the canals in London, or at the Jersey Shore engages our employees with local communities and improves the environment.

St. Louis Recycling Tour Visit

Many schools across the country are participating in the First Lego League Each year, students receive tasks from the league and they work to find a solution. A group of students from St. Louis’s Sacred Heart visited the Republic Services Recycling Facility to learn about recycling processes and will use that information to design a solution, for example, what could be done better or in what way could the process improve?

One Million Pandas Urge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Protect Elephants from Slaughter

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced today that more than one million Americans signed the organization's public comment petition in support of a new proposed rule from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to prevent illegal African elephant ivory from being imported and sold in the United States. This news comes at the heels of the joint statement made by the Chinese and U.S. governments on Friday signaling their commitment to close their ivory markets and curb illegal ivory trade.

Change is in the Air

As further testament to Honda’s commitment to reducing the environmental footprint of its operations, its wind turbines erected at Honda Transmission Mfg. of America last year are the subject of Honda’s latest entry in its Environmental Short Film Series, called Change Is In The Air.

The Four Biggest Challenges Facing UST Operations and What To Do About Them

The current trend towards consolidation in the retail petroleum marketplace is creating momentum for companies to acquire assets much more rapidly than ever before. Strong asset valuations are driving smaller portfolio sell-offs, and the industry continues to see an influx of capital from companies who wish to invest in the US.

CBS Launches “Volunteering With the Stars” Initiative as Part of New “Viewers to Volunteers” App

CBS EcoMedia today announced the launch of the “Volunteering With The Stars” (VWTS) program as part of the new “Viewers To Volunteers” (V2V) app. This bold new digital initiative is designed to connect viewers to their favorite stars and some of the country’s leading nonprofits in the shared experience of giving back.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
    The business landscape is reorienting itself and you can almost hear priorities shifting toward change-readiness and the bigger picture. And in this...
  2. Environment
    We are committed to integrating environmental stewardship into the way we operate. We recognize the importance of the environment in creating a...
  3. People: Achieving Excellence Through Safety, Efficiency, and Partnership
    Our vision is simple and clear: to be a best-in-class employer delivering innovative products and experiences for our customers. Our focus on...
  4. KeyBank Foundation: Helping Communities Thrive through Education, Workforce Development, and Service
    KeyBank Foundation helps build thriving communities by supporting organizations and programs that foster thriving students and a thriving workforce...
  5. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  6. Principal Financial Group: Global Inclusion
    Principal is committed to fostering a culture that empowers our employees and demands the best of our leadership by attracting and retaining great...
  7. Investing in our Communities
    We invest in sustainable community outcomes that improve lives.
  8. Social Progress
    Social engagement has always been an integral part of our sense of responsibility as a company. We care and we act to do our part to improve the...
  9. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  10. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.