Wells Fargo Commissions Original Art Depicting the African American Experience

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) recently commissioned Atlanta-based artist Keith Rosemond II to create six original illustrations depicting the African American experience.

HPE: Closing the Digital Divide

Penn. Students Develop Low-Cost Water Filtration System, Earn State-Wide Recognition

An engineering class from Burrell High School in Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania was recently recognized for their efforts using STEM education to treat contaminated water in their community.

Upgrade an Industry and Cut Global Emissions in Half ... at Neutral to Negative Cost

Hidden away or underground, wastewater infrastructure is an essential component to growing, sustainable communities. Around the world, this infrastructure enables cities to develop, economies to grow and communities to thrive. It is also a major source of global greenhouse gas emissions, primarily due to inherent inefficiencies

The Global Health Corporate Champions: Expanding the Boundaries of Global Health

“There is a shift taking place in the public health arena to strategically engage the private sector to address global health needs,” said Bridget McHenry, a fellow for Global Health Fellows Program II, serving as organizational development adviser for Office of Population and Reproductive Health in U.S. Agency for International Development’s Global Health Bureau.
Benefit from this expanding concept of global health by taking part in the Global Health Corporate Champions. Global Health Corporate Champions is making pro bono experiences more accessible and affordable for companies interested in exploring pro bono in a critical emerging market. PYXERA Global recently announced that it is fielding a multi-corporate, cross functional team of 10-12 professionals for a four-week assignment in A

Antea Group Segment Showcase Pages Now on LinkedIn

Antea Group is excited to roll out our brand-new segment showcase pages on LinkedIn. Hopefully you are already connected with Antea Group's company page, and now these showcase pages will allow you to dig deeper into the industries you care about with content and links specificially geared toward the field.

First Fully Renewable Gable Top Package Produced and Filled in the U.S.

Tetra Pak, the world's leading food processing and packaging equipment company, announces the successful production of the first fully renewable Gable Top package in the United States. Tetra Pak Gable Top Bio-based packages are made solely from renewable materials, defined as natural resources that can be replenished over time. The innovative new cartons are developed from a combination of paperboard and sugar cane derived plastics.

Integrated Performance Report Reflects Significant Ways Medtronic Creates Value to Society

At Medtronic, our Mission compels us to play a leadership role in solving global healthcare challenges. Our thoughtful approach to therapy innovation, globalization, and economic value – combined with smart financial management and good corporate citizenship – creates value to society in significant ways.

In particular, we create value by increasing access to care, advancing patient safety, maintaining financial strength, and investing in our communities. Our performance related to these issues is detailed in the Company’s FY2015 Integrated Performance Report, “Further, Together.”

Four Seconds of Inspiration

Despite our best efforts, separating ourselves from nature is a fruitless endeavor. So long as we are made primarily of carbon, we are nature. So long as we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, we are nature.

My Invitation to the Davos Summit on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

There is no question about the transformative power of the digital revolution we’re in the middle of. Indeed, the “Uberization” of products and processes is well underway. But what about the climate and culture of receptivity with which these innovations are greeted? Isn’t that almost as important as the technology developments themselves?

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