Research, Reports & Publications

ESG in 2025: Turning Complexity into Opportunity


Research, Reports & Publications

Sustainability Report: Emergency Preparedness at Marathon Petroleum

Marathon Petroleum Corporation

Domtar’s Sustainability Report Highlights Progress in Long-Term Strategy

Less waste, lower greenhouse gas emissions, fewer workplace injuries. Less of each of these means a more sustainable business and highlights how Domtar is working smart for the long term.

Our newly released 2017 Sustainability Report details our efforts to take a longer term view of creating and preserving value for our shareholders, customers, employees and communities.

Communicating about Climate Change with Corporate Leaders and Stakeholders

Within the corporate sector, climate change represents an unfolding market shift, one that is driven by policy but also by pressures from a variety of market constituents such as consumers, suppliers, buyers, insurance companies, banks, and others. The shift takes place in both mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the physical effects of a changing climate.

A Letter from Sappi North America's CEO and President Mark Gardner

CEO and President of Sappi North America discusses the company's performance against its 2016 sustainability goals.

Astellas Commitment to Creating Sustainable Community Impact Highlighted in Americas Corporate Social Responsibility Report Card 2016

Astellas today debuts its second-annual Americas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report Card. The Report Card, which can be found at, shares highlights of Astellas-sponsored philanthropic and volunteer support in Brazil, Canada and the United States. The Report Card measures the company’s impact across multiple dimensions of our social responsibility platform, Living SMARTTM, including access to healthcare, math and science education, environmental commitments and employee volunteerism.

Carlsberg Group Sets Out Plan to Combat Irresponsible Drinking

Carlsberg targets 100% of its markets to improve on responsible drinking every year towards 2030, plus 2022 targets such as 100% availability of alcohol-free beer and 100% of packaging and brand activations to include responsible drinking messages.

Hundreds Welcome GRI Standards Across Asia

Asia is ready to take its sustainability reporting to the next level: 79% of the 100 largest companies in Asia Pacific report on their sustainability impacts, surpassing even Europe and North America.

Erb Featured Business Sustainability Case Study: Uber and the Sharing Economy

The Erb Institute has established itself as a recognized leader in helping top business school programs and businesses navigate sustainability challenges through its teaching case studies for almost a decade. Since 2008, over 70 titles have been published, with an estimated 43,000 copies in use worldwide. As of 2017, these cases have been adopted by business schools on 4 continents. Their reach includes over 200 business schools, from the Ivy League to the deserts of Arizona, and from Glasgow to Sydney.

ACI Sustainability Report: “Bold Collective Actions” Needed for Transformational Change

American Cleaning Institute Report, “Foundations for Transformation,” Showcases Steps Industry is Taking to Tackle Most Critical Issues

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