Join Tetra Tech in ensuring we all can continue to be resilient against the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing responsive Health & Safety (H&S) practices and resources.
With the holidays underway, many homes are at increased risk of fire caused by candles and decorative lights. Many of our neighbors who are unable to heat their home will be using their oven to stay warm, which can be extremely dangerous! Rebuilding Together’s work saves lives, and so can you!
The National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) announced today the addition of the EHS&S Roundtable to its portfolio of benchmarking services for corporate EHS and Sustainability leaders.
Our people are critical to our operations. A key component to any successful employee engagement program is communication. At Sappi North America, we prioritize our communication efforts to ensure that all of our associates are informed of, and feel connected to, the organization’s business, mission, strategy and values. To this end, we utilize a number of resources, including email, social media, newsletters, events, video and printed collateral, to maintain organizational alignment and morale.
We’re excited to report that 2017 was the best safety year in our recorded history, tied with 2013, and our most complex locations, the Somerset and Cloquet mills, clocked in with record-breaking safety performances.
Compressed air is an increasingly common utility in workspaces around the world from factories to construction sites. Although it may seem easy to operate, compressed air can become dangerous if used incorrectly. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to safe operation.
Today, American Express, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Main Street America announced the winners of the 2018 Partners in Preservation: Main Streets campaign. The 11 winning historic sites will receive a total of $1.6 million in grants to fund their respective preservation projects. At the outset of the campaign, an additional $400,000 was allocated to the 20 Main Street communities that participated in the program to increase public awareness of the importance of these historic places and build grassroots support for the participating Main Street districts.
The Greenbriar Mobile Home Park clubhouse was recently packed with residents like Patricia West, who lives with her disabled daughter, who came to learn about upcoming construction scheduled at their site. For the next two months, crews will be converting the mobile home park’s master electric and gas distribution systems to direct electricity and natural gas utility service. Once completed, residents will become first-time customers of Southern California Edison and their local gas utility.
AEG embraces its responsibility to enrich the lives of people in the communities around the world where we do business, and to use business to create...