Earlier this year, Antea Group USA had the pleasure of being featured in the Environmental Business Journal as part of their “Innovation in Services & New Practice Areas” edition.
Join 3BL Media for “Responding to Disaster: IBM and Bechtel Partner to Address Resiliency,” July 11 at 2 p.m. ET. This free webcast is aimed at corporate responsibility practitioners, policy makers, NGOs, and others engaged in disaster preparedness.
As an obstetrician, my job is to focus on moms and babies. But one of my favorite parts of childbirth is the look on a new dad’s face at the precise moment he sees his baby for the first time. The physical connection between moms and babies begins sooner and more gradually than it does for dads. Moms feel their babies growing and wriggling months before they get to actually see them. For dads, the first physical connection is visual. Fatherhood goes from being abstract to very real in an instant. And that look is everything.
GRI believes that in order to achieve real progress, there's a need to align capital investment with sustainable business. We asked prominent investors why they think sustainability matters – watch this video to find out what they had to say.
Businesses create the most value when they fulfill a societal need in a meaningful way. I often find myself reflecting on this sentiment and the importance of electricity in our modern life. Electricity, the lifeblood of modern society, powers individuals, homes, businesses and, increasingly, other areas such as transportation. In a more connected and digital future, we will rely more on electricity, not less. As a power company that generates and sells electricity, I recognize the great responsibility we have in enabling this future.
With all the global issues we face today — including poor air and water quality, climate risk, deforestation, poverty, and hunger — more and more corporations are taking a proactive step to become part of the solution. And they are turning to trees to make a difference.
This is graduation season, and along with the nearly four million postsecondary degrees being handed out, new graduates are getting a lot of good advice from commencement speakers and loved ones. Allow me to add one more piece of advice, and it’s a simple one to remember: Keep building your network of mentors, advisors and sponsors. The people who gave you good advice about the right professional track, coursework and summer jobs and internships are often the same people who can help you as your professional life gets l
Not so long ago, the major tech companies were held up as ideal models of innovation and progress. Now, a reality check seems to be setting in as they face increased consumer and regulatory scrutiny. Facebook continues to be under fire for lack of transparency in how it shares customer data. Amazon is taking hits for “unethical and illegal” workplace conditions in the Chinese factories that produce its Echo and Kindle devices. It’s gotten to the point where Hollywood is turning out features in which Silicon Valley figures are portrayed as supervillains.
Brands and organizations shared aspirational and inspirational messages and stories throughout the week – from Vancouver’s City Manager Sadhu Johnston who explained how Vancouver plans to be greenest city in the world by 2020 to REI’s ambition to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors for all. Here are three ideas – some big and some small – that stood out to us last week:
Keysight’s strategy is to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, supported by our Keysight Leadership Model (KLM) and corporate value...