ESG News from Leading Brands

Keep up with the latest environmental, social and governance news from companies embracing the triple bottom line, shared via 3BL's distribution platform.


Sappi North America Joins the Recycling Partnership to Improve Recycling Efforts in Communities Across the Country

Sappi North America, a leading producer and supplier of diversified paper and packaging products, has joined on as a new funding partner of The Recycling Partnership, a national nonprofit that applies corporate funding to improve recycling efforts in communities across the country. In doing so, the company will be working to help transform recycling nationwide, increase materials recovery, and reduce the creation of greenhouse gases that add to climate change.

Green Infrastructure

Kohler Co. Announces Wind Power Investment

Kohler Co. today announced a 15-year agreement to purchase 100 megawatts of wind power per year from the Diamond Vista wind farm located near Salina, Kansas. Enel Green Power North America will construct the project this year and will be the long-term owner and operator of the nearly 300 MW wind project. Enel acquired Diamond Vista from Kansas-based renewable energy developer Tradewind Energy.

Innovation & Technology

Bridging the Digital Divide

The My.Future digital platform lets Boys & Girls Club members and non-members of all ages use computers, smartphones, and tablets to play, learn, and socialize. Put simply, it's a digital version of what members experience every day and takes the Club beyond its own walls. Through the platform, which is made possible through a partnership with Comcast NBCUniversal, users can share the great things they’ve made and amplify their voices. Whether they’re making lyrics, videos or apps, they’ll be able to share the things they create and connect with their peers across the country.

Innovation & Technology

Student Innovation Led to Wearable Tech for Visually Challenged

Like many people, Harshita rides the bus every day. Unlike others, however, when on one ride home she noticed a visually challenged person having difficulty crossing the street, she was inspired to find a way technology could help.


Post-Secondary Students in BC and MB Recognized for Their Efforts to Build a Greener Canada

Students at the University of British Columbia Okanagan are tackling food insecurity on campus through an initiative called Project Roots. The program repurposes food waste to increase students’ access to affordable and healthy meal options.

Similarly, students at Brandon University are increasing food security in the city of Brandon through Green Futures. The community garden project, run by students and volunteers, provides fresh produce to local food banks and food box programs.

Thanks to these initiatives, Enactus University of British Columbia – Okanagan and Enactus Brandon University have been named 2018 Scotiabank EcoLiving Green Challenge Regional Champions. The teams were picked by Canada’s largest experiential learning platform, Enactus Canada, and program supporter Scotiabank.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

All I’m Askin’ for Is a Little C.L.A.R.I.T.Y.

Clarity helps us achieve our goals more efficiently. It seems so simple and, to be frank, that’s the annoying part about it. Somehow it’s the simple things that we let drop. It’s important for each of us to articulate exactly where we’re coming from, what our viewpoint is and what information we think we’ve heard. Sometimes we try to interpret messages we get from people. I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time reading into messages to try to understand the meaning, and even with that investment, I’ve been woefully wrong. The key here is that it’s not a one-way street. Sometimes those conversations are hard and it takes courage to have them — while other times, they’re easy and a relief to stakeholders or fellow colleagues because everyone knows the deal.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Albertsons Companies Partners With Trace Register to Elevate Seafood Traceability


Renewable Energy and Greenhouse Gas Policy: Guidance for State Policymakers and Regulators

Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) has released Corporate and Voluntary Renewable Energy in State Greenhouse Gas Policy: An Air Regulator's Guide, a comprehensive guide with accompanying fact sheet that examines the relationship between voluntary renewable energy purchases—such as those by corporate buyers—and state greenhouse gas policy. By examining where these markets and policies intersect and the best ways state regulators can ensure the grid benefits for clean energy purchasers, the guide and associated fact sheet offer real-world solutions for ensuring the integrity of the voluntary renewable energy market through sound policy and regulation.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

CITGO Receives Partner of the Year Award From Boys & Girls Clubs of the Coastal Bend

The CITGO Corpus Christi Refinery proudly accepted the Partner of the Year award at a Partner Appreciation ceremony, presented by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Coastal Bend on the evening of Feb. 22. The Partner of the Year honoree is selected based on overall commitment to the organization in the prior year. In addition to CITGO, other award recipients joined Boys & Girls Club board members at the event.

Diversity & Inclusion

The Game-Changing Women Leaders at Bloomberg

At Bloomberg, we’re doing our part in pressing for progress for equality from all angles. Click here to hear personal journeys of three women leaders at Bloomberg and how it has shaped their worldviews and careers. These women are the Bloomberg MAKERS 2018 Awardees exemplifying disruptive leadership and what it means to empower, advocate, and cultivate women for success.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Consumers Energy: Replacing Coal Plants with Sustainable Alternatives

As an important part of Consumers Energy's transition to clean energy sources, and commitment to build a sustainable future for our company, the people of Michigan and the environment we share, we retired our seven oldest coal-fired generating plants on April 15, 2016.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Bristol-Myers Squibb Named One of the 2018 “Top 70 Companies for Executive Women”

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company has been named one of the 2018 Top Companies for Executive Women by the National Association for Female Executives. This honor recognizes American corporations where women have significant influence and impact to make the decisions that affect their company’s future and its bottom line. Bristol-Myers Squibb has earned a place on this prestigious list for 15 years.


In STEM, All Girls Can Be Tech Superheroes

There is an incorrect assumption that digital natives are digitally literate. Although they have grown up with technology, they do not necessarily have the skills to support our digitally-fueled economies. Beyond using apps, they struggle to create financial formulas in Excel or navigate a computer’s file management system — essential skills in today’s workplaces.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Millions of Volunteers Join Iconic Community Improvement Nonprofit to Champion Clean, Green and Beautiful Communities

The 20th anniversary of Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup, the nation’s largest community improvement program, officially kicks off on the first day of spring – Tuesday, March 20 – with thousands of cleaning, greening and beautification events scheduled across America through the spring, summer and fall. Many Keep America Beautiful affiliates in warmer regions have already started their Great American Cleanup campaigns.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Improving Food Security in West and East Africa

20,000 farmers in Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and Uganda have improved the security and quality of their food supply thanks to the FoodAfrica Programme. In addition to those farmers and their communities, it is estimated that the programme has also had an impact on the lives of over 200,000 people.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Responsible Business Alliance Foundation Receives $1M Grant from Walmart Foundation to Accelerate Ethical Recruitment in Supply Chains

The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), today announced the RBA Foundation received a $1 million grant from the Walmart Foundation to help build a robust and responsible recruitment marketplace for migrant labor in Malaysia and surrounding nations

Events, Media & Communications

Brands Rocking Online Engagement Around Corporate Responsibility: Lunch & Learn, March 12

There’s a common topic driving the most engagement among corporate responsibility (CR) content distributed over 3BL Media so far this year.


HP Learning Studio VIDEO | Reinventing Opportunity Through Education in Jordan

Through HP Learning Studio, HP and its sustainability partners bring renewed hope to the displaced families living in Jordan’s Azraq Refugee Camp. The HP Learning Studio is like a ‘kit’, each one is equipped with hardware, software, and teacher training services that together inspires instructional innovation and next-generation learning experiences

Green Infrastructure

SCS Achieves Mutual Recognition Agreement with The International EPD System

SCS Global Services (SCS) is pleased to announce that it has reached a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with The International EPD® System, allowing for cross-recognition of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) and showcasing the alignment of both EPD Programs.

Diversity & Inclusion

Building an Inclusive Company in a Diverse World

If we think about it, what is it that makes our world special? Chances are that each one of us will have our own unique answer to this question, and that’s exactly the point. We live in a wonderfully diverse world, and there can hardly be any doubt about that. So, it’s difficult to understand why and when did we start to value sameness so much; why don’t our workplaces mirror the diversity that’s all around us; and why is our society still dogged by exclusion?

Research, Reports & Publications

How Barclays Helps Fund Crucial Social and Environmental Progress

In 2017 Barclays helped clients raise £31.7bn across a range of social and environmental segments.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Should Your Investment Strategy Incorporate a Climate Risk Discount?

Consider these three recent developments: California emerged from drought in April 2017, fewer companies reported impacts associated with water scarcity, and the average freshwater intensity of companies in the MSCI ACWI Index dropped by 15 percent between 2015 and 2016. While these are positive short term signals for investors concerned with water scarcity, 2017 was also the most costly in U.S. history for natural disasters.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

A $40,000 GSK IMPACT Award Can Go A Long Way for A Local Nonprofit

Do you know of a local nonprofit that is making Philadelphia or the Triangle region NC healthier? Let them know that they can register now through March 30 to apply for a $40k GSK IMPACT Award!

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

The Arbor Day Foundation Announces 2018 Arbor Day Award Winners

The Arbor Day Foundation has announced today that six individuals and organizations are the recipients of a 2018 Arbor Day Award in honor of their outstanding contribution to tree planting, conservation and stewardship.

Diversity & Inclusion

Teams With Gender Parity Achieve Better Results Across the Board: Sodexo Finds

Sodexo, a food services and facilities management company committed to improving Quality of Life, has found that teams managed by a balanced mix of men and women are more successful across a range of measurements. The five-year, one-of-a-kind study of 70 entities across different functions represents 50,000 managers worldwide.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Water
    Evolve with the Water IndustryPartner with Black & Veatch to make water supplies more resilient for providers, more affordable for customers, and more...
  2. ESG Talk: Season Three
    The ESG Talk podcast features candid conversations with business leaders from around the world. In season three, co-hosts Mandi McReynolds, Steve...
  3. Aflac in the Community
    Learn more about Aflac’s culture of care and how it sits at the heart of all we do.
  4. Performance
    Prioritizing ethics, economic contribution, operational excellence, integrity, and accountability in all we do.
  5. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
    The business landscape is reorienting itself and you can almost hear priorities shifting toward change-readiness and the bigger picture. And in this...
  6. Environment
    We are committed to integrating environmental stewardship into the way we operate. We recognize the importance of the environment in creating a...
  7. People: Achieving Excellence Through Safety, Efficiency, and Partnership
    Our vision is simple and clear: to be a best-in-class employer delivering innovative products and experiences for our customers. Our focus on...
  8. KeyBank Foundation: Helping Communities Thrive through Education, Workforce Development, and Service
    KeyBank Foundation helps build thriving communities by supporting organizations and programs that foster thriving students and a thriving workforce...
  9. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  10. Principal Financial Group: Global Inclusion
    Principal is committed to fostering a culture that empowers our employees and demands the best of our leadership by attracting and retaining great...
  11. Investing in our Communities
    We invest in sustainable community outcomes that improve lives.
  12. Social Progress
    Social engagement has always been an integral part of our sense of responsibility as a company. We care and we act to do our part to improve the...
  13. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  14. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.
  15. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.