ESG News from Leading Brands

Keep up with the latest environmental, social and governance news from companies embracing the triple bottom line, shared via 3BL's distribution platform.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Northern Trust Sponsors Akola Jewelry Displays

Northern Trust announced today that it is supporting Akola, a nonprofit jewelry brand, by funding in-store displays with an app at select Neiman Marcus stores.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Sustainability (and Dinosaurs) Come to Life Every Day at VMware Costa Rica

Gleaming in a soft bluish light, the Tyrannosaurus Rex greets visitors with something close to a smile. Made entirely of recycled materials, including flattened plastic cups, it stands as a testament to ingenuity, creativity and a generous heap of good humor.

Events, Media & Communications

Representing U.S. Mike Bloomberg Joins One Planet Summit on 2nd Anniversary of the Paris Agreement

On December 12th, 2017, two years to the day after the historic adoption of the Paris Agreement, global leaders convened at the One Planet Summit in Paris to strengthen the world’s collective commitment to climate action. French President Emmanuel Macron, joined by the President of the World Bank Group Jim Yong Kim and Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, led discussions on the progress we’ve made so far, and the imperative action we must continue to ensure the health, safety, and future of our planet and global community.

Innovation & Technology

Avnet Sponsors The Not Impossible Awards Recognizing Emerging Technologies That Improve Lives

Avnet today announced its title sponsorship of The Not Impossible Awards, which recognizes the breakthrough achievements of innovators who share the Not Impossible Labs mission to create inventive technology that improves the well-being of others.


Carbon Offsets Help Salesforce Go Net Zero 33 Years Early

In 1998, when Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras, Dee and Richard Lawrence, along with their daughter Skye, headed south, to help with the country’s recovery efforts and wound up starting a cookstove project that greatly reduces carbon pollution. Eighteen years later, the Lawrences founded Cool Effect to fund carbon-reducing projects around the world.

Diversity & Inclusion

Solutions for All: How One Canadian Bank is Developing Technology to Drive Accessibility

As Vice President of Design, Digital Banking, at Scotiabank, Pamela Hilborn is tasked with developing unique technology solutions that can meet the needs of the Bank’s diverse customer base — including those with disabilities.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Whole Planet Foundation | Dispatch From the Field – Crediting Field Officers

It’s the season of gratitude and a time to celebrate the impact of 2017. Whole Planet Foundation wants to acknowledge the achievements of our microfinance partners’ field officers, who are often the main point of contact between a microfinance organization and the entrepreneurs financing their businesses with microloans. In 2014 we piloted a new Field Officer Appreciation Award in the Africa & Middle East region of our work and this year, the foundation awarded its fourth year of awards to nominated field officers. In total, this region currently includes 28 partner institutions.

Sustainable Development Goals

Marina Bay Sands Tackles Sustainable Farming with WWF Partnership

As part of an effort to raise sustainability standards within Asia’s hospitality industry, Marina Bay Sands has partnered with World Wide Fund for Nature in Singapore (WWF). Together, they will focus on seafood and ocean conservation with goals including positive initiatives in Responsible Seafood, Aquaculture Improvement Projects (AIPs), and Enhanced Green Meeting Packages.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful Becomes First Keep America Beautiful River-Based Affiliate

Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s iconic community improvement nonprofit organization, today announced Keep Tennessee River Beautiful (KTnRB) became its first certified river-based affiliate. Keep Tennessee River Beautiful will focus on the waterways adjacent to the 652-mile Tennessee River, which flows through three states – Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky.


CITGO Continues Restoration Work in Lemont Quarries

The CITGO Lemont Refinery, in partnership with The Conservation Foundation and the Village of Lemont, continued their environmental restoration project in the Heritage Quarries Recreation Area (HQRA) this past October. Volunteers worked together to remove invasive plant species in visible areas by trimming trees and removing invasive brush.


Video | Can Agroforestry Propel Climate Commitments?

The Paris Agreement, reached at COP21 in December 2015, aims to keep global temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the main tool for defining countries’ contributions to the Agreement, and most developing country NDCs identified agroforestry as a key part of their climate strategy.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

A Year in CSR: The Top 10 Trends of 2017

As the year draws to a close, Cone Communications, evaluated a year’s worth of CSR trends to bring you the top 10 trends of 2017.


51 Schools Named State Winners in Samsung’s $2 Million* National STEAM Contest

Samsung Electronics America, Inc. has announced the 51 state winners in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest – a nationwide competition that challenges students to creatively use STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) skills to address real-world issues and inspire change in their local communities. This year’s projects include everything from apps promoting kindness and empathy, to automatic wildfire extinguishing systems, and technology to address the opioid epidemic.

Health & Healthcare

WELL@Home: Quick Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Think about how much time you plan to spend outdoors today. Research shows that we spend approximately 90% of our lifetime in enclosed spaces, and as much as 69% of that time is within the home. While cooking, cleaning or even comfortably resting on a sofa, we are exposed to millions of invisible air contaminants which can put us at risk for health problems. A recent global burden of disease study, published in The Lancet, demonstrated that household air pollution was rated as the third cause of ill health for the world’s population!

Sustainable Development Goals

Opening Doors for Small Business Owners

eBay launches Kiva Marketplace to help aspiring entrepreneurs reach global scale.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

SRI Is Growing up Right Before Our Very Eyes

What was once considered the limited domain of environmental and social activists has grown to become an established force in the capital markets that should be ignored at your own risk. The space is expanding and evolving at an accelerating rate, and this trend shows no signs of turning. Over the past few years, we have seen unprecedented asset flows into ESG, SRI, and Impact Investing strategies; at last count, more than $8.6 trillion in assets were invested in some kind of socially responsible or impact-focused investment strategy.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Sodexo Earns Perfect Score on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index

Sodexo, the world leader in Quality of Life Services, announced today that it received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) workplace equality.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Fun Ideas for Engaging Employees and Raising Money for Charity

America’s Charities can help your company design and implement a program centered on supporting nonprofits through workplace giving campaigns, employee fundraising, cause-focused signature programs, volunteerism, donation drives, matching gifts, Dollars-for-Doers, In-Kind Giving and other employee engagement and philanthropic initiatives.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

You Can Change the Life of a Child in Foster Care

Siblings Breauna, Renee and Kai were adopted this past May after spending 944 days (Breauna and Renee) and 678 days (Kai) in foster care.
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is able to fund adoption recruiter positions at adoption agencies throughout the United States and Canada. Those recruiters are called Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiters. They focus solely on older children, sibling groups and children with special needs. The Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiters are working hard each day to make sure that children who are most at risk of aging out of care, get adopted before that happens.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Forbes and JUST Capital Rank IBM No. 5 in America's Top Corporate Citizens

"No one sector – whether government, business, academia or civil society – can tackle today’s challenges all by itself. All sectors must work together, and all must raise their game." On THINK Blog, IBM Foundation President Jen Crozier writes about IBM's longstanding commitments to collaboration, diversity, inclusion and service - commitments shaped by IBM's enduring values, and recognized today by IBM's Number 5 ranking among America's Top Corporate Citizens by Forbes and JUST Capital.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

A Message From the Chair of the Board of Trustees

As I look back on this past year, I am struck by the energy and power generated by the concern for trees. Our members, corporate partners, and planting partners are joining together with the Arbor Day Foundation every day and making great positive changes through our stewardship programs. Our vision of being a worldwide leader in the recognition and use of trees as a solution to global issues is being realized through these united efforts.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

KeyBank Provides $4.4 Million in Financing for Multifamily Affordable Housing in New York

KeyBank Community Development Lending & Investment (CDLI) has provided a $4.4 million Fannie Mae loan to Mt. Vernon Associates, LP, to renovate Greencourt Apartments, a 76-unit, multifamily affordable apartment complex in Mount Vernon, NY, with 59 units reserved for tenants earning no more than 60% AMI.


Schneider Electric VIDEO: Accelerating the Energy Transition: 4 Dimensions for Progress

While the 2015 Paris Agreement was the theoretical call for action to limit worldwide temperature to well below 2 degrees, there is a need for implementing this call with concrete action.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Time to Align Corporate Retirement Funds with Company Values

Now that millennial-aged employees represent the majority of the workforce, it’s increasingly important that corporate management teams finds ways to engage these employees in the company. Creating defined contribution plans which connect to millennial core values – like solving human, social and environmental problems through their work and investments – can spur employee engagement, spark innovation and provide companies with a competitive edge in their pursuit of the “best and brightest” employees.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
    The business landscape is reorienting itself and you can almost hear priorities shifting toward change-readiness and the bigger picture. And in this...
  2. Environment
    We are committed to integrating environmental stewardship into the way we operate. We recognize the importance of the environment in creating a...
  3. People: Achieving Excellence Through Safety, Efficiency, and Partnership
    Our vision is simple and clear: to be a best-in-class employer delivering innovative products and experiences for our customers. Our focus on...
  4. KeyBank Foundation: Helping Communities Thrive through Education, Workforce Development, and Service
    KeyBank Foundation helps build thriving communities by supporting organizations and programs that foster thriving students and a thriving workforce...
  5. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  6. Principal Financial Group: Global Inclusion
    Principal is committed to fostering a culture that empowers our employees and demands the best of our leadership by attracting and retaining great...
  7. Investing in our Communities
    We invest in sustainable community outcomes that improve lives.
  8. Social Progress
    Social engagement has always been an integral part of our sense of responsibility as a company. We care and we act to do our part to improve the...
  9. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  10. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.
  11. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.
  12. GoDaddy | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
    Diverse teams build better products — period. At GoDaddy, we make apps and services that our worldwide community of entrepreneurs can relate to. Our...
  13. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
    Fostering a diverse and inclusive culture is essential to our success. We believe that more perspectives enable better decisions and faster innovation...
  15. Principal Financial Group: Global Inclusion
    Principal is committed to fostering a culture that empowers our employees and demands the best of our leadership by attracting and retaining great...