Bloomberg: Sustainable Business

The primary objective of our sustainability strategy is to decouple the Company’s growth from environmental impact, while proving the business case for sustainable operations. By looking at our business through an environmental lens, we have reduced costs, minimized risk and engaged our employees, while generating over $120 million in cost avoidance for the Company.

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Content from this campaign


Bloomberg Launches India Chapter of the Bloomberg Carbon Network
Bloomberg today announced the launch of the India Chapter of the Bloomberg Carbon Network.


Employee-Powered Climate Action
Protecting our Earth is the collective challenge of our times, requiring global cooperation at every level of society: from cities and governments to businesses, academia, and individuals.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Bloomberg Achieves WELL Health-Safety Rating for Majority of Its Global Office Portfolio
Bloomberg has achieved the WELL Health-Safety Rating on Facility Operations and Management through the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) for 78 locations and over 4.6 million square feet of office space (427,000 square meters) – representing more than 90% of the company’s global office portfolio.


Bloomberg Expands Access to Community Solar Project to 4,800 Eligible Employees
Bloomberg today expanded access to community solar projects managed by Common Energy to more than 4,800 of its employees based in New York City.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Demystifying Climate Action: Bloomberg's Road to Net Zero
Terms like “sustainability”, “carbon emissions”, and “renewable energy” are becoming more and more ubiquitous.


Bloomberg Bees Take Flight
Bloomberg is about to take thousands of bees under its wing. We’re proud to take part in the movement for more eco-conscious cities by expanding our bee program

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Bloomberg's Sustainable Pantries - Both Offline and Online
Food undoubtedly brings people together. Visitors to any of our Bloomberg offices around the globe are welcomed by our famous pantries. They are hubs not only for employees to grab a coffee or a snack, but also to mingle, to bump into other colleagues and exchange ideas.


Bloomberg LP Commits to Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2025
Bloomberg LP today announced its commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2025.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

PWC, EY, Bloomberg, Nestle & More Take on Veganuary's Workplace Challenge
Leading accountancy firms PwC and EY, as well as media giant Bloomberg, are taking part in Veganuary’s Workplace Challenge and encouraging everyone in their teams to try vegan this January.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Every Action Adds Up
In these changing and uncertain times, it’s important not to lose sight of the climate crisis, and how we can do our part.

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