Caring for Climate

Launched by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2007, “Caring for Climate” is the UN Global Compact, the UN Environment Programme and the secretariat of theUN Framework Convention on Climate Change‘s initiative aimed at advancing the role of business in addressing climate change. It provides a framework for business leaders to advance practical solutions and help shape public policy as well as public attitudes. Chief executive officers who support the statement are prepared to set goals, develop and expand strategies and practices, and to publicly disclose emissions as part of their existing disclosure commitment within the UN Global Compact framework, that is, the Communication on Progress – Climate. Caring for Climate is endorsed by nearly 400 companies from 60 countries.

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Content from this campaign


Corporate Leaders Commit to Ramping up Climate Action in the Lead-up to the Climate Ambition Summit and COP26, but the Race to Zero Has Only Just Begun
The eighth annual High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate brought together leaders from business, finance, sub-national government, civil society, and the United Nations on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement

Sustainable Development Goals

At COP 23, Chief Executives and Leaders Agree: More Ambitious Targets Needed to Meet Paris Agreement Objectives
Leaders from business, civil society, Government and the United Nations convened today in Bonn to discuss an accelerated pathway forward towards implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the COP 23/CMP 13: High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate.


UN Global Compact Statement on US Decision to Withdraw from Paris Agreement
We are disappointed by the decision of the United States to leave the Paris Agreement, a historic global accord to combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations. Despite this setback, there is also cause for optimism. The Paris Agreement has activated an unstoppable momentum for climate action, with an essential role spelled out for responsible business.

Events, Media & Communications

Chief Executives Lay Out Concrete Plans to Put Global Climate Agreement into Action at COP22
More than 100 high-level business leaders and investors meet in a show of resounding support and commitment to taking action on the Paris Climate Agreement at the COP 22/CMP 12: High-Level Meeting on Climate Change.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Setting a $100 Price on Carbon
Based on work with over 70 companies that have already internalized a price on carbon, the UN Global Compact believes that $100 is the minimum price needed to spur innovation, unlock investment, and shift market signals to ultimately reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5 to 2-degree Celsius target.


Time for Companies to Show Their True Colors on Climate Change
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