Caring for Climate Business Forum at COP21 Paris

The voice of responsible business at COP21 Paris. As the official platform for business at the climate negotiations, the UN Global Compact is providing daily insights on business-climate action, showing the unstoppable momentum toward a green future.

Content from this campaign


UN Global Compact Welcomes Historic COP21 Paris Agreement
UN Global Compact Executive Director Lise Kingo welcomed the historic climate agreement adopted by 195 countries in Paris at COP21:


Business Leaders Come to Paris to Show Support for International Climate Agreement and Showcase Solutions at Caring for Climate Business Forum
Unprecedented corporate engagement on key climate issues including carbon pricing, finance, responsible policy engagement and science-based targets were announced today at the conclusion of the Caring for Climate (C4C) Business Forum, the official avenue for business at the Conference of Parties (COP) event in Paris.


For the First Time in COP History, Business has an Official Role
December 5 was Action Day at COP21 and for the first time in the history of the COP climate conferences, business has an official role through the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA).


Investors Ratcheting up Their Contributions to Climate Action
As world leaders and government representatives continue negotiations to hammer out a global climate deal at COP21 in Paris, institutional investors are ratcheting up their contributions in a number of areas.

Events, Media & Communications

Responsible Business Takes Action
Caring for Climate Business Forum at COP21 – looks at emissions performance as well as the progress companies have made against the five commitments they made when they joined the initiative.


CEOs are Calling for a Climate Change Agreement in Paris
According to a global study by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture of 750 business leaders surveyed:


Water Action is at the Heart of Climate Action
Today at COP21, the French and Peruvian government’s Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) will focus on resilience. Recognizing the close connection between water and climate change, the day will feature a dedicated water segment.


Why Your Company Should Put a Price on Carbon
Yesterday at a special event on the margins of COP21, Heads of State put the spotlight on carbon pricing as a necessary and effective measure to tackle the climate change challenge. Together with a global agreement, a sufficient price for carbon will help create the necessary rules and market signals to limit warming to 2°C.


COP 21: An Unstoppable Momentum
Today marks the opening of COP 21 in Paris where Government leaders will negotiate an agreement to reduce emissions and put us on a path towards climate neutrality. The recent attacks underscore the importance of these negotiations and the opportunity for the global community to come together to address one of the most critical issues of our time.
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