Creativity & the Arts at 21st Century Fox

Creativity & the arts are at the heart of our company. We believe in the power of creativity, and we work hard to spark the imaginations of people everywhere. We seek out brave new voices to ensure their stories are told, and we aim to empower the world’s boldest creative talent to find, support, and develop the next generation of artists and visionaries.

Content from this campaign


21CF Nonprofit Partner Ghetto Film School Now Accepting Applications for 2017-19 Fellowship Program
Ghetto Film School, an award-winning nonprofit and 21st Century Fox partner, is currently recruiting for its 2017-19 Fellows Program. The Fellows Program is an immersive narrative filmmaking program for high schoolers based in NYC or LA, and free of charge for all students.

Events, Media & Communications

Fox’s ‘Hidden Figures,’ ‘The Birth of a Nation’ and ‘This Is Us’ Named Finalists for Humanitas Prize for Outstanding Social Messaging
The organization Humanitas has named the screenwriters of two films and one television series from 21st Century Fox as finalists for its 42nd Annual Humanitas Prize, a prestigious award honoring projects that contain effective social messaging and inspire compassion, hope and understanding. Among this year’s nominees are Nate Parker for Fox Searchlight’s The Birth of a Nation, Theodore Melfi & Allison Schroeder for Fox 2000’s Hidden Figures and Dan Fogelman for the pilot episode of This Is Us, produced by 20th Century Fox Television.


21st Century Fox and Give a Note Award Music Education Grants to 20 Schools, Announce 'Music Education Idol' Winners
21st Century Fox and Give a Note Foundation honored the legacy of "American Idol" this summer by asking students, parents and the general public to nominate exceptional music educators as "Music Education Idols." This week, 21CF and Give a Note are highlighting the importance of music education in schools by awarding 20 "MusicEd Idols" $1,000 grants for each of their school's music programs.


Reflections on Nat Geo Photo Camp: Shenandoah Students from Baltimore's Refugee Youth Project Learn to Tell Their Story Through Photography
I first learned about National Geographic's Photo Camp when I was compiling footage for a year-end impact video for the Society. I began asking around and discovered that a Photo Camp was going to take place with youth from Baltimore in Shenandoah National Park and would involve Nat Geo photographers John Stanmeyer and Amy Toensing. Little did I know that this simple footage search would turn into one of the most profound experiences of my life.

Diversity & Inclusion

21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch Honored at Ghetto Film School's First Annual Fall Benefit
At Ghetto Film School's first annual Fall Benefit in Los Angeles on Thursday, Oct. 6, 21st Century Fox CEO and GFS board member James Murdoch was honored for his involvement in the nonprofit, which gives young, aspiring storytellers in historically underrepresented communities an immersive film education and hands-on industry experience.

Events, Media & Communications

'Birth of a Nation' Director Nate Parker Talks Filmmaking at Exclusive Screening for Ghetto Film School Students
The Birth of a Nation (distributed by Fox Searchlight Pictures and in theaters Friday, Oct. 7) was shown in the Crosby Street Hotel screening room in New York on October 4 for an audience of students who are part of the nonprofit Ghetto Film School, which 21st Century Fox has supported by helping to provide an education in the craft and business of filmmaking. After the screening, the film's director, actor and screenwriter, Nate Parker, spent more than an hour answering the students' questions. The Q&A session gave him the opportunity to share about his personal career path, practical advice and insights into why he made the movie with the audience of film students from historically underserved communities.

Events, Media & Communications

Young Storytellers to Pitch Their TV Ideas to 'Empire' Creator Lee Daniels Through The Roster's 'Pitch, Please!' Contest
"Pitch, Please!" is a new contest from The Roster, Ghetto Film School's professional network for diverse young professionals in New York's media and entertainment sectors, and is accepting one-minute video pitches for scripted television series until Tuesday, September 6. Five semifinalists will then pitch their ideas in person to an esteemed panel of television experts, including Empire creator and award-winning filmmaker Lee Daniels, during IFP Film Week from September 17-22. 21CF is a longtime supporter of Ghetto Film School, serving as founding sponsor of GFS Los Angeles and continuing to arrange exclusive behind-the-scenes access and executive masterclasses for the students.


21st Century Fox Honors American Idol Legacy with Give a Note Grants to Support Music Education, Calls for Nominations of Music Teacher "Idols"
To celebrate those music education "idols" in schools nationwide, 21CF is teaming up with Give a Note Foundation for a new wave of 21st Century Fox Give a Note Grants, a program benefiting exceptional music teachers and their schools. Starting today, students, co-workers, parents and friends can nominate "MusicEd Idols," music teachers who inspire their students to dig deeper and reach their fullest potential.


Young People of the Crow Native American Reservation Share Their Stories Through National Geographic Photo Camp
National Geographic gave 15 Apsáalooke youth from the Crow Native American Reservation in Montana the chance to learn photography and writing during National Geographic Photo Camp from June 8-12. The five-day camp, a partnership between the National Geographic Society and the Crow Tribe, brought together photographers, editors and researchers with the reservation's young people to discuss the role visual storytelling can play in preserving the tribe's cultural heritage. The students' work was then displayed in a public exhibition at Little Big Horn Community College. 21st Century Fox expanded its partnership with the National Geographic Society in fall 2015 to create National Geographic Partners, with 27% of all proceeds going toward the Society's grant-making pursuits.


Ghetto Film School Students Talk Television, the Creative Process and Working With Fox On International Promos for 'Outcast'
This spring, 21CF partnered with GFS LA for their Industry 101 course, a semester-long class where students create video promos for a media client. The project gives them first-hand exposure to the business behind filmmaking and teaches them the day-to-day process of working with clients. For nearly five months, GFS LA students worked with Fox Networks Group International to create promos for Outcast, the new horror drama from "Walking Dead" creator Robert Kirkman.
21st Century Fox

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