Greener Products and Solutions

We actively integrate sustainability into the product development process and look at all phases of the product life cycle for opportunities to develop products and tools that deliver the highest performance in innovation, quality, safety and effectiveness, while minimizing environmental impact. These efforts enable our customers to carry out cutting-edge research, while positively contributing to their own environmental impact goals.

Designing products for sustainability, evaluating and selecting suppliers against sustainability criteria, pursuing green chemistry, and reducing packaging and end-of-life impact through recycling are all recognized as important aspects of greener products and solutions.

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Content from this campaign

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

DOZN™ 2.0: A Quantitative Green Chemistry Evaluator
Green chemistry is the concept of developing chemical products and processes that reduce the use and generation of hazardous materials, minimize waste and decrease demand on diminishing resources.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Breathing New Life Into Old Lab Equipment
In light of growing concern over the accumulation of single-use and disposable products, new recycling solutions have emerged.


Green Chemistry: The Secret Behind Sustainable Product Development
Jeffrey Whitford, head of corporate responsibility and branding for the research and biotech company MilliporeSigma, described the challenge last week in an interview with TriplePundit.


Jeannette Company Becomes Leader in Recycling Biopharmaceutical Waste
Triumvirate Environmental has a new way to help the pharmaceutical industry recycle plastic waste.


Recycling Biopharma Plastics into Lumber Products
Global biopharmaceutical products supplier MilliporeSigma has partnered with specialty waste management company Triumvirate Environmental to recycle the commingled single-use plastic scrap into saleable lumber products.

Responsible Production & Consumption

MilliporeSigma Employee Spotlight: Ettigounder Ponnusamy
As part of our employee spotlight series, we’re sitting down with Ettigounder (Samy) Ponnusamy, fellow and global manager, green chemistry at MilliporeSigma, to learn more about the work he’s doing to move the needle. The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

MilliporeSigma Launches Four-Year Push for Packaging Sustainability
The quest for supply-chain sustainability requires paying as much attention to the package as the product inside it.

That necessity that doesn’t escape global life science leader MilliporeSigma. The company has launched a four-year effort to enforce green packaging for well over 300,000 products, translating into some 30,000 shipments a day.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Being in the Zone: When Work Just Goes So Right
I recently had the fortune to visit one of our customers, and this visit was unlike any other I’ve ever had. To understand how we got to this day in March, let me give you some flavor of how these experiences usually go for context.

There’s route one: Our sales team emails or calls and says, “Hey, our customer is asking what we do for sustainability.” Typically this happens in April — Earth Month, of course — and other times during quarterly customer reviews. They ask for a few slides or send a questionnaire. This is my most loathed format because, from my end, I don’t see much done with the data and these requests take time. The sales rep is concerned because the request is steep and the details are tough, especially for those who aren’t subject matter experts. They also want to make su

Innovation & Technology

New Solvent, Cyrene, Takes on NMP
A small Austrailian company called Circa Group and the lab services giant Merck KGaA have teamed up to launch a new solvent intended to replace two old but environmentally suspect standbys: N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and dimethyl formamide (DMF).

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

MilliporeSigma Expects Extra Cost of Sustainability to 'Wash out Over Time'
Business-to-business (B2B) companies should be considering the sustainability of their packaging as much as consumer goods companies, according to pharma firm Merck, KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada

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