Greener Products and Solutions

We actively integrate sustainability into the product development process and look at all phases of the product life cycle for opportunities to develop products and tools that deliver the highest performance in innovation, quality, safety and effectiveness, while minimizing environmental impact. These efforts enable our customers to carry out cutting-edge research, while positively contributing to their own environmental impact goals.

Designing products for sustainability, evaluating and selecting suppliers against sustainability criteria, pursuing green chemistry, and reducing packaging and end-of-life impact through recycling are all recognized as important aspects of greener products and solutions.

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Responsible Production & Consumption

Confessions of a Data Cynic
I didn’t want to believe; in fact, I’ve spent years fighting it. People go on and on about the power of data and I just didn’t see it. I come from a world where skill in design and creativity can make almost anything work, and creating words isn’t frowned upon—or at least that’s what I told myself. I figured that I could sell my Corporate Responsibility story with words and pictures and do just fine—until I had one of those painful “Aha” moments.


How a Shift in Perspective Can Massively Alter Your Company’s Environmental Impact
Many companies have sustainability targets and goals that center around in-house projects like energy and greenhouse gas reduction, water reduction and waste reduction. These targets are important, but they beg the question: Is there more that can be done to maximize a company’s total potential impact on the environment?
The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada

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