HP Inc. | Human Rights

HP believes in creating an inclusive, equitable, and empowering culture for its employees and a platform for human rights that extends beyond HP, striving to drive policy changes that fight racism, advocate for human rights, and advance social justice across the globe. HP has one of the most diverse board of directors of any U.S. technology company, and is one of the top technology companies for women in executive positions.

Empowered Workers: Through its supply chain responsibility program, HP works to improve labor conditions within supplier factories, tackle industry-wide challenges such as forced labor and conflict minerals, and build essential worker and management skills and capabilities. HP aims to reach one million workers through worker empowerment programs by 2030. 

Culture of Inclusion: HP aims to be the leading brand for racial equity and social justice in the technology industry, embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion into everything HP does. The company has a bold goal to achieve 50/50 gender equality in leadershiip by 2030, the first Fortune 100 Tech Company to do so. 

Social Justice: The HP Racial Equality and Social Justice Task Force helps HP identify and execute on the biggest opportunities HP has as a company to advance sustainable impact in racial equality. The Task Force is guided by a set of comprehensive goals that will accelerate the strategies, practices, and policies around pipeline, retention, and promotion for Black and African American talent; leverage HP's industry spending power to influence its ecosystem, including HP's partners, vendors, and auppliers; and advocate for Black and African Americans through public policy, civic action, and clear corporate positions on local and national issues. Lean more and follow HP's progress here

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Diversity & Inclusion

HP Named a Top 25 Public Company Diversity and Inclusion Leader
HP is proud to be listed by Racing Toward Diversity Magazine as a Top 25 Public Company Diversity and Inclusion Leader. Racing Toward Diversity recognizes companies who embrace diversity in the workplace, work with diverse suppliers, and appeal to diverse customer groups.

Diversity & Inclusion

HP Supports the Equality Act
The Equality Act provides basic protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in several areas. HP is proud to support this vital piece of legislation.

Innovation & Technology

'We'll Be in Touch' | HP's Latest Diversity Push Confronts Bias in Hiring
HP Inc. is advertising its commitment to reduce bias among its hiring managers with a new film created out of Fred & Farid that shows multiple black job candidates on interviews that conclude with the dreaded words, "We'll be in touch." The disappointment on their faces is palpable, and the scenes provide viewers a glimpse of the frustration and desperation those who experience discrimination during the job search may feel.

Diversity & Inclusion

Reinventing Mindsets to Guarantee a More Diverse & Inclusive Future
Inclusion is a state of being valued, respected and supported – it’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve their full potential. For this to function within an organization, inclusion must be reflected in its culture, practices and relationships that are in place to support a diverse workforce. In other words: if diversity is the mix, then inclusion is finding a way to get the mix to work well together.

Diversity & Inclusion

Reinventing Mindsets to Guarantee an Inventive Future at HP
At HP, we believe in the power and promise of committing to a more diverse and inclusive workplace. And we’re proud of the progress we’ve made, with the most diverse board of directors of any technology company, among other things, and the awards and recognition we’ve won because of it. But we are far from satisfied.

Diversity & Inclusion

HP VIDEO | Reinvent Mindsets: Let’s Get in Touch

Innovation & Technology

‘Life in Space’ Challenge Winners Aim to Improve Health Outcomes on the International Space Station
When pondering the challenge of how to make astronauts’ lives better on the International Space Station, the winners of the “Life in Space” Challenge went back to basics. The winning team of five students from Carnegie Mellon University looked at how astronauts working on the International Space Station (ISS) spent their days.

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Matters, and it is Achievable
HP is counted among the top tech companies with women and underrepresented minorities in executive positions, where 27 percent of HP executives, director, and above are women.

Innovation & Technology

Meet Post-doc Researcher Caitlin DeJong, HP Labs’ First Molecular Biologist
Dr. Caitlin DeJong is the first molecular biologist to be hired at HP Labs. She joined the Life Sciences Research Group in HP’s Print Adjacencies and 3D Lab last May on a three year post-doctoral research position.

Diversity & Inclusion

HP Celebrates International Women's Week with a Fresh Take on Diversity and Inclusion
HP is counted among the top tech companies with women and underrepresented minorities in executive positions, where 27 percent of HP executives, director and above are women.
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