IWBI | Workplace Wellness

A WELL Certified™ project has the potential to add measurable value to the health, well-being and happiness of people in the buildings. It can also generate increased savings and productivity. Personnel costs significantly outweigh the costs for design and construction and operations and maintenance, with employers spending 90 percent of their annual operating costs on people. This means that even a small impact on productivity, engagement and satisfaction in the workplace can have huge returns on investment. By channeling resources toward reducing the biggest line item in the 30-year costs of a building—the personnel—the business case for WELL features a meaningful return on investment. View WELL projects.

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Health & Healthcare

'A Real Opportunity to Rethink How and Where We Work'
During the pandemic, the world scrambled to accommodate remote work for a large share of employees. Now, returning to the office is an increasing reality

Health & Healthcare

IWBI and Los Cabos Tourism Board Join Efforts to Promote Health and Safety to Boost Travel Economy
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and Mexico’s Los Cabos Tourism Board announced a joint effort to promote health and safety protocols throughout Los Cabos, a coastal region located in Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, and travel destination.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

IWBI's WELL Health-Safety Rating Honored in Spaces, Places and Cities Category of Fast Company's 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) today announced that its WELL Health-Safety Rating, which is being deployed across more than one billion square feet of real estate, has been selected as an Honorable Mention in Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

IWBI Recognizes Outstanding Leaders in Advancing Health and Wellness in Buildings, Communities and Organizations Across the Globe
Today more than ever, our shared spaces are playing a critical role protecting the health and well-being of people.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Going Remote: Our Traveling Office
In an organization that certifies the physical places where people work, we unexpectedly found ourselves asking: How might getting away from the four walls of an office support our ability to return to a space of health and well-being?

Health & Healthcare

Experts Unite to Discuss Mindfulness and Healthy Workplace Culture

Health & Healthcare

Burnout 101: What Ignites Burnout and How to Protect Yourself From Getting Scorched

Health & Healthcare

WELL Tip: Navigating Preconditions for the Nourishment Concept
Have you ever considered a WELL precondition and wondered where to begin? Not to fret! We’ve launched a Navigating preconditions series to help project teams get started incorporating a number of preconditions from different WELL concepts into their project’s design and policies.

Health & Healthcare

Design for Wellness: Strategies to Unite Health & Design
Design can be about many things: beauty, symmetry, color - but one of the most powerful elements of building and space design is the opportunity to impact and improve the health and well-being of people. Through thoughtful design choices like strategic placement of drinking water stations, selection of non-toxic materials and lighting that aligns with the body’s circadian rhythms, designers can be ambassadors for public health, a mission that we wholeheartedly believe in.

Health & Healthcare

Creating the Mentally Healthy Workplace
IWBI looks at how employers can support employees by embedding mental health initiatives into their workplace wellness programs.

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