IWBI | Workplace Wellness

A WELL Certified™ project has the potential to add measurable value to the health, well-being and happiness of people in the buildings. It can also generate increased savings and productivity. Personnel costs significantly outweigh the costs for design and construction and operations and maintenance, with employers spending 90 percent of their annual operating costs on people. This means that even a small impact on productivity, engagement and satisfaction in the workplace can have huge returns on investment. By channeling resources toward reducing the biggest line item in the 30-year costs of a building—the personnel—the business case for WELL features a meaningful return on investment. View WELL projects.

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Content from this campaign

Health & Healthcare

WELL Story: Fitness at MNP Tower
Walking past the Vancouver waterfront, you may notice a striking building. This past year, MNP Tower achieved both LEED and WELL certification at the gold level. To achieve certification, the building owner, Oxford properties, has implemented an array of innovative strategies to help improve the health and wellness of people who work at and visit MNP Tower. What we find particularly unique about MNP Tower is how the building embraces WELL’s Fitness concept.

Health & Healthcare

Top 5 Takeaways from the Fitness #WELLography
We know that physical activity leads to better health but sometimes it can seem impossible to balance a routine exercise schedule with the demands of the modern workplace. The Fitness WELLography is your go-to-guide for evidence-based interventions that can help you incorporate movement into your everyday life and design environments that promote an active lifestyle. Here’s what you might run into while reading the Fitness WELLography....

Health & Healthcare

WELL @Work: Healthy Food Choices for People and Planet
Our CEO Rick Fedrizzi often talks about the Second Wave of sustainability. At IWBI, we believe that sustainability extends far beyond environmental protections. Just as WELL is for people, we believe that sustainability is about helping people make the best choices for both the environment and their health.

Health & Healthcare

Top 5 Takeaways from the Nourishment #WELLography
We’re excited to share the Nourishment WELLography, your go-to guide for nutrition education and research-based interventions to help you fuel your body and design environments that support your health and well-being.

Green Infrastructure

Working WELL, Being WELL Event at HOK’s New York Office
HOK has been completely dedicated to sustainable design over the last 30 years, and it’s at the very core of our ethos,” said Carl Galioto, HOK’s president and managing principal of the New York office. “We believe that the next step beyond sustainability is fundamentally what’s at the root of all this—the human experience and human health.”

Health & Healthcare

The Office Farmer: Grow Your Lunch at Work
Some innovative companies have discovered the calming benefits of letting their employees to tend the fields while on the clock. Gardening encourages team building, helps them de-stress, and even helps them engage in some light physical activity.

Health & Healthcare

Design for Wellness: Strategies to Unite Health & Design
Design can be about many things: beauty, symmetry, color - but one of the most powerful elements of building and space design is the opportunity to impact and improve the health and well-being of people. Through thoughtful design choices like strategic placement of drinking water stations, selection of non-toxic materials and lighting that aligns with the body’s circadian rhythms, designers can be ambassadors for public health, a mission that we wholeheartedly believe in.

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