Smart City/Smart Utility

Smart City/Smart Utility content features highlights from Black & Veatch's 2016 Strategic Directions: Smart City/Smart Utility report including subject matter expert insights, survey response trends and in-depth commentary on current industry issues.

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Innovation & Technology

From Whiteboards to Neighborhoods, Smart Street Systems Engage Citizens
Once considered the purview of Jetsons-era futurescapes, smart street systems have made the transition from science fiction to real city council planning agendas. Sensor-laden Wi-Fi kiosks, smart streetlights, EV charging stations and integrated urban mobility systems are generating rising interest as cities demand greater connectivity, resource efficiency, enhanced public safety and more effective municipal service delivery.

Innovation & Technology

Public Safety LTE Integration with Smart City Initiatives
As the communication technologies leveraged by the public safety sector advance, the intersection with smart city initiatives becomes all the more inevitable. Technological advances afforded by broadband long-term evolution (LTE) networks have changed how first responders, city and county officials, public agencies and transportation fleets communicate and gather data to better serve their communities. Learn more in the Black & Veatch 2017 Strategic Directions: Smart City/Smart Utility Report.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Smart Cities Need Smart Master Planning Processes
As governments consider where to spend their smart city funding, they may initially center on the critical building blocks of a smart city but often become subject to short-term budget priorities. To this point, responses to the 2017 Strategic Directions: Smart City/ Smart Utility Report survey suggest a vexing conundrum: What comes first, the budget or the plan?

Innovation & Technology

Smart Cities Will Depend on Smarter Movement of People and Goods
One of the challenges in smart city transportation is to be able to go from point A to point B, while reducing the number of cars on the market, and also being able to use existing public transportation.

Maryline Daviaud Lewett, Business Development Manager, Black & Veatch, discusses how cities are partnering with the private sector to optimize these services.

Innovation & Technology

Data and Planning Drive the Growth of Smart Cities and Utilities
The Black & Veatch 2017 Strategic Directions: Smart City/Smart Utility Report investigates the progress made by communities and utilities as they continue their evolution toward smarter infrastructure. Around the globe, cities and utilities are beginning to see tangible results from preliminary efforts and are gaining confidence in what a smart city can be.

Innovation & Technology

Data Management Tools Should Move from Mere Reporting to Automation and Analytics
Advances in technology, connectivity and software have made an increasing number of tools available to improve utility performance. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) deployments of the past decade demonstrate there is tremendous value to be found in the data generated across utility service networks.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Net-Zero Energy Is Now ‘In the Grasp’ of Wastewater Treatment Facilities
It is commonly known that wastewater possesses more energy than needed to operate a treatment facility, but the number of net-zero energy water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) is still very low worldwide. Yet, a recent study states that the possibility of net-zero energy is now in the grasp of many wastewater facilities, and the report provides some of the best insights on record as to how to achieve such results.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Large Complexes Find Growing Benefits in Energy Self-Generation as Battery Costs Decline
Large commercial and industrial complexes are increasingly showing more interest in how power is consumed at their facilities, and how they can more efficiently manage their utility costs. These companies are discovering many options that have only recently opened up due to new technologies and decreasing system costs.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Smart Water Programs Seek to Uncover Valuable Data for Improved Operations
Water and wastewater systems use hundreds and sometimes thousands of data-producing instruments, but much of that information remains isolated. There is little two-way communication, so the vast amount of data stays buried, just as the water infrastructure itself is mostly buried and out of sight. Smart water programs are seeking to change all that.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Electric Utilities Must Prepare for New Roles in the Smart City Transformation
Electric utilities are facing a need and opportunity to transform their business due to the bidirectional nature of distributed generation and energy storage. This is just one of several fundamental changes that the smart cities movement is driving to reshape how fundamental services are delivered and managed.
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