Technology for Good

We believe that technology, when thoughtfully and strategically applied, can bring positive, lasting change to people’s lives and communities and benefit the planet. That is why we invest in and partner with global problem solvers who are developing technology solutions.



Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

VIDEO | Building Bridges Between Hope and Possibility
Technology holds great promise to improve lives – consider how every second in India, three people experience the Internet for the first time. Or how video collaboration units enable patients at family health clinics in rural areas in Africa to connect to specialists at larger medical centers. Yet technology can do little if a person lacks access to basic needs.

At Cisco, making a difference and improving lives around the world has been core to who we are for over 30 years. We have consistently leveraged our technology to solve real business and social problems, and ultimately to build bridges to new possibilities.

Innovation & Technology

Why I’m Developing for Mars and Sustainable Life in Space
We explore Mars for many reasons, be it the risk minimization of distributing our species across multiple planets or the fact that our population is growing at a rate that is unsustainable for our Earth’s resources.For me, it is the insatiable spirit of exploration. It is all the inventions we will create to help Earth as a result of pushing our skills to their most extreme, and it is the fact that aiming for a goal this grand has the power to draw together people from every background.

Innovation & Technology

Using Blockchain Technology to Solve Global Problems
This post was written by guest blogger Dr. Mariana Dahan, Founder and CEO of the World Identity Network. She recently spoke as part of Cisco’s Women Rock-IT series. Today, more than a billion people around the world lack that most basic of human rights: recognized personhood. Lack of officially recognized identity (ID) impacts every aspect of life: civil, economic, educational and political, among many others. Without a valid proof of identity, many basic services are out of reach.

Innovation & Technology

VIDEO | Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2019 Now Open to Applicants
Our third annual Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge aims to recognize new business ideas that leverage technology for social impact from student entrepreneurs around the world. The Challenge is open to students and recent alumni from any college or university.

Innovation & Technology

The Top 3 Ways Mobile Phones Can Help Disaster Victims
Globally, disasters and humanitarian crises are on the rise. In the last 10 years, disasters have caused US$1.4 trillion in damage and affected 1.7 billion people. In the last two months alone, the United States has been hit by Hurricanes Michael and Florence, and Indonesia has been devastated by earthquakes and tsunamis.

Innovation & Technology

Webinar | A Drone May Save Your Life One Day
Despite the convenience of instantaneous food delivery or the wonder of flying cars, we should not lose sight of the tremendous social change powered by today’s technology advances. Drones and autonomous systems, for example, are creating unforeseen opportunity to make a positive impact in the world.


Shining a Spotlight on Young Leaders Who are Solving Global Problems
Cisco was founded on the belief that when we connect, we can change the world for the better. More than 30 years later, that belief is stronger than ever. We combine the power of our technology and the passion of our employees to make the world a better place. In 2016, we made a commitment to help positively impact 1 billion people with digital solutions by 2025.

Innovation & Technology

Discovering New Forms of Storytelling with Data
Imagine if women could report their stories of harassment, assault, or violence in a way that did not re-traumatize them, but instead connected them to one another. Those stories could be used to collect data and help decision makers understand the problem.


How Cisco Is Helping Tweens Become Tech-Savvy Global Problem Solvers
For more than two decades, Cisco has built a world-leading IT training program, Cisco Networking Academy, which has empowered millions around the world. Now we are taking this experience to younger learners with Global Problem Solvers: The Series (GPS: The Series), a new animated web series for kids exploring entrepreneurship, life skills, and how to use technology for social good.

Innovation & Technology

Meet the 2018 Cisco GPS Challenge First Runner-Up: Jara
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