Cancer Survivors Need Your Help. Take Action Now.

Cancer Survivors Need Your Help. Take Action Now.
As Congress makes important decisions in the coming weeks about federal funding for FY 2017, we must make sure they prioritize the unique needs of cancer survivors. Using the steps below, contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to sign the cancer survivorship appropriations letter.
Important advancements in the fight against cancer have resulted in a growing population of survivors – those living with, through and beyond a diagnosis. Today, there are more than14.5 million cancer survivors and 18 million are expected by 2022.
If you, or a loved one, has been diagnosed with cancer, you know that once treatment ends, the cancer journey does not. Be an advocate for survivors by contacting your Member of Congress today. As a constituent, you have the power to make a difference.
Take action using these steps
- IDENTIFY your U.S. Representative using this website:
- CONTACT their Washington, D.C., office and ask to speak to their health policy staff member.
- DELIVER this important message:
Hello. My name is _______________, and I am a constituent. As someone impacted by cancer, I would like Representative _________________ to sign the appropriations letter on cancer survivorship being led by Rep. Leonard Lance and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
This letter asks members of the appropriations committee to prioritize funding for cancer survivors so that important programs, services and research can help people recover from a diagnosis. Survivors often suffer debilitating side effects from treatment, and in this nation’s fight against the disease, we cannot overlook the needs of survivors. The deadline to sign is March 21. For more information, visit
This issue is important to me because [briefly share your cancer story]. Thank you for considering this request and passing along my comments to the Representative.
- ENCOURAGE others to take action with you by using the suggested posts below on social media.
I support increased federal funding for cancer survivors. Join me and take action now! #CancerSurvivorsMatterFacebook:
Important decisions about federal funding are being made RIGHT NOW. Make sure programs and services for cancer survivors are a priority. Take action TODAY:
THANK YOU for being an advocate for cancer survivors!