Reimagine Survivorship

From 2010-2015, LIVESTRONG’s Community Impact Project (CIP) invested nearly $4 million to replicate 12 proven, outcomes-based cancer survivorship programs in nearly 600 communities across the country. One of those programs, Pillars 4 Life (now known as is now available to even more cancer survivors through their new online platform. Founder Kristin MacDermott, shares information below on how survivors can use this program to navigate the roller-coaster of emotions after treatment.
“I thought I’d be happy when I made it through my treatment – like I could resume my normal life and be myself again. No one told me how hard it would be to move forward.”
– Barbara B, breast cancer survivor, Los Angeles, CA
Barbara is not alone in her survivorship struggle. In fact, in 13 years of helping people recover from the emotional impact of cancer, I’ve seen that survivorship is often the most difficult part of the cancer journey. People need to make sense of what they’ve been through, which for many is the most traumatic experience of their lives, but no one wants to talk about cancer anymore –not their family; not their friends; not their doctors.
If you are feeling lonely or a little lost as you struggle to rebuild your identity and reengage in life after cancer, you are not alone. We created Reimagine because most people need a little help putting their lives back together after something as disruptive as cancer.
We live in a culture where many of us think we’re supposed to soldier through tough times on our own, but few of us are taught any skills for coping with such a devastating crisis.
The good news is takes you through a powerful process that helps you overcome your fears, reconnect to what gives your life meaning and joy, and gain clarity around how you want to live your life beyond cancer.
The program is proven in multiple studies to help people feel better, and you don’t have to leave your home to participate. We’ve made it easy to connect to a community of people who are taking control of their survivorship and taking care of themselves. You don’t have to suffer alone.
Unless you sit around thinking about resiliency all day like we do, you will probably find our unique process eye-opening and extremely helpful. We’ve heard that from thousands of survivors already, and we feel honored to have been a meaningful part of so many cancer journeys. I invite you to come see for yourself how we can help you feel better too.
Kristin MacDermott