The Buzz About U.S. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Trends

A comment often heard several decades ago in sustainability and ESG investing circles was that U.S.-headquartered companies were distinct laggards in disclosing information and especially performance data on their environmental, social, and governance responsibilities.

Illumina Named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for the Fifth Consecutive Year

Illumina has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the North America Index for 2023 in the Life Sciences Tools & Services Industry. This is the fifth consecutive year the company has been named to the prestigious list.

Shatterproof and Law Enforcement and Drug Advocacy Groups Urge Congress To Close De Minimis Loophole To Address Fentanyl Crisis

Shatterproof along with a coalition of law enforcement and national nonprofit and community-based organizations devoted to fighting against the fentanyl crisis plaguing our nation sent a letter to the leaders of the House and Senate urging them to take immediate action.

Building a Better Future: Home Depot Foundation’s Annual Operation Surprise Campaign Reaches New Heights

The Home Depot Foundation recently wrapped its annual veteran service campaign. Operation Surprise is about service, community and living the company’s core values. This year, the campaign garnered record-breaking reach, touching the lives of veterans and their families.

Sustainable Apparel Coalition Presents at ISPO Munich

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) joined forces with Fair Wear Foundation (FW) and the Social and Labour Convergence Program (SLCP) to present on “Leveraging Collective Action for Human Rights” at ISPO Munich.

Franklin Templeton Recognized in Pensions & Investments Best Places To Work in Money Management

Franklin Templeton, along with two of its specialist investment managers, was recognized in the 2023 Best Places to Work in Money Management program announced by Pensions & Investments.

AccountAbility Joins With Global Commons Alliance and UN Climate Champions Team to Launch Navigator Addressing Nature and Climate Action

AccountAbility joins with the Global Commons Alliance Accountability Accelerator and the High-Level Champions to unveil the Nature and Climate Action Resource Navigator.

Five-Year Milestone Reflects El Paso Refinery Team’s Dedication to Rail Safety

Marathon Petroleum’s El Paso, Texas, refinery has gone more than five years without being cited for safety or equipment defects in any railcar that left the refinery.

KeyBank Provides $90.7 Million of Financing for Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Affordable Housing in Monroeville, PA.

KeyBank Community Development Lending and Investment (CDLI) provided a $35 million construction loan and $15.7 million in 4% federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) equity to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of Cambridge Square Apartments, located in Monroeville.

LA Affordable Housing Developments Receive Support From Impact Finance

To continue addressing California’s affordable housing crisis and close the wealth gap, U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance is leaning in to provide debt and equity toward affordable housing developments across the state, including two projects located within Los Angeles neighborhoods.

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