FTSE Russell, a global index provider, has once again named Merck & Co., Inc. to the FTSE4Good Index, a compilation of publicly-traded companies that meet globally-recognized corporate responsibility standards.
The Stockholm Junior Water Prize brings together young innovators from around the world who have created new solutions to growing water challenges. This year, a record 33 countries have participated, presenting new solutions for water treatment, agriculture and water reuse.
Every year, the competition draws more than 10,000 entries. Each country selects one finalist to attend Stockholm World Water Week, where the winner will be announced on August 29. Xylem continues their support of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize as the Founding Global Sponsor.
Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s iconic community improvement nonprofit organization, announced today that the application period for its annual National Awards program is officially open.
Sophiea founded Climbers Association of Southern Arizona in 2015 to build an empowered group of rock climbers who give back to the community. As President, Sophiea dedicates thousands of personal volunteer hours managing all levels of the registered 501(c)(3) organization. He has forged collaborations with nonprofits and conservation agencies, including the AZ Wilderness Coalition, AZ Conservation Corps and the US Forest Service.
21st Century Fox businesses have received a total of four nominations from the Environmental Media Association, whose awards honor film and television productions that increase public awareness of environmental issues and inspire personal action to correct them.
CSRHub is pleased to release the third e-Book in the new series, How to Improve Your CSR Score, sponsored by Triple Pundit. “Telling Your Story... Is more disclosure better disclosure?"
Any PANDORA product starts its journey with our in-house Design team. As a new piece evolves, our designers will make choices on which materials to use. Whenever new materials or suppliers are introduced, our Ethics teams are consulted in order to discuss potential environmental or social impacts. Such early interaction helps to ensure that PANDORA refrains from using potentially problematic materials – and it provides Group Ethics and other departments with valuable knowledge, enabling them to act in due time.
تفخر مؤسسة الملك خالد بإقامة شراكة مع مؤسسة أكاونتبلتي لتنظيم البرنامج التدريبي الخاص بالممارسات الريادية المستدامة الذي ينفّذ للمرة الثالثة في المملكة العربية السعودية بعد تنظيمه في مديني أبها والرياض. ستقام هذه النسخة من الورشة التدريبية على مدى ثلاثة أيام ٢٣-٢٥ من شهر أكتوبر. وسيتم عقد البرنامج باللغة الإنجليزية مع توفير الترجمة الفورية إلى اللغة العربية.
King Khalid Foundation is proud to partner with AccountAbility to facilitate the Sustainability Leading Practices (SLP) Training Program. This will be the third training, following two previous workshops in Riyadh and Abha. The workshop will be conducted through three days of training sessions on October 23-25. The training will be provided in English and simultaneous Arabic translation will also be available.
The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
Subaru believes all pets deserve a loving home and we are the largest corporate donor to the ASPCA®. Subaru is proud to help make the world a better...
Cascale organizes and participates in a series of events, leveraging its position as a global convener of close to half the sector to bring together...