Unreasonable Impact | Rescuing Old Clothes From Landfills by Turning Them Into New Fabric and Fuel

Jeplan envisions a circular world in which we take all used or unwanted personal belongings, recycle the materials, and then sell them as new products. Starting with cotton and polyester, this company is reimagining waste disposal, which reduces the use of petroleum and diminishes carbon emissions. Based in Japan, Jeplan has established collection points around the country in collaboration with major retail and apparel brands to gather discarded clothes. Then, Jeplan sells the final products back to these brands and their consumers.

This Company is Creating a World Where Conserving Water is a Way of Life

Based in Singapore, Ecosoftt – Eco Solutions For Tomorrow, Today – specializes in decentralized management of water, wastewater, and environmental services for the developed and developing worlds. Their Water SMART Homes & Communities platform allows property owners and building managers to reduce their water footprint and waste by up to 50 percent, to recycle and reuse up to 80 percent of wastewater for non-potable purposes, and to discharge at least 20 percent of treated water in a way that protects Mother Nature. Ecosoftt also leads education programs focused on water, sanitation, livelihood and wellness for rural and marginalized communities.

WBCSD Insider Perspective | Low-Carbon Technology Partnerships Initiative (LCTPi 7)

Last week during Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, 250 sustainability professionals and policymakers from across the world gathered at the seventh global meeting of the LCTPi 7.

Caterpillar Inc | Doing More To Restore Natural Resources

Caterpillar is working actively with stakeholders to find collaborative and innovative solutions to restoring our planet’s natural resources. One of these collaborations, a summit of experts and leaders in engineering, construction, finance and environmentalism, resulted in a white paper on natural infrastructure restoration and ways to catalyze its development and expansion.

Edison Insight Series: California’s Climate Policies and Transportation Electrification

Edison International, through its subsidiaries, is a generator and distributor of electric power, as well as a provider of energy services and technologies, including renewable energy.

Danish Energy Company Reduces Emissions Faster Than Science Demands

DONG Energy announces that its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 96% by 2023 is now officially approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with climate science.

SCE Files Plan for Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement Industry, Passenger Vehicles

Southern California Edison, a leader in the transformation of the energy sector, has filed with the California Public Utilities Commission a wide-ranging plan for expanding electric transportation in its service area.

New In-Depth Technology Review Supporting Cement Sector in Further Mitigating Its CO2 Emissions

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)’s Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) published a report focusing on the availability of the latest technologies and the need to scale up research and development that can help the cement industry mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions.

Caterpillar Inc.: Building Better

For more than 90 years, Caterpillar’s business has been about building better — better lives, better communities and, ultimately, a better world.

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