Republic Services Recognized with Recycler of the Year Award in Oregon

Republic Services is pleased to announce that the Oregon Recycling Association has recognized the Pacific Region Compost (PRC) facility with the Recycler of the Year Award. The Award was presented last week at the Association’s annual conference in Gleneden Beach, Ore.

When Politicians Cherry-Pick Data and Disregard Facts, What Should We Academics Do? – (The Conversation)

When politicians distort science, academics and scientists tend to watch in shock from the sidelines rather than speak out. But in an age of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” we need to step into the breach and inject scientific literacy into the political discourse.

NRG Energy's Commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

See how NRG's core business closely aligns with the UN Sustainable Goals.

Caterpillar 2016 Sustainability Report | Letter from Caterpillar CEO Jim Umpleby

Caterpillar CEO Jim Umpleby highlights examples of how we’re building better through natural infrastructure, circular economy practices and energy access, as well as our sustainability practices within the company.

Daimler Stakeholder Dialogs

The Daimler Sustainability Dialogue has been a permanent platform for open and constructive discussions with a wide range of stakeholders for many years. Stakeholders are persons, groups or institutions which are directly or indirectly affected by a company's activities or who have an interest in these activities. Besides our employees stakeholders include customers, shareholders and investors as well as suppliers and other representatives from the worlds of politics, science and society.

Carlsberg to Achieve Zero Carbon Emissions at Its Breweries by 2030 as Part of Industry-Leading Sustainability Ambitions

The Carlsberg Group has committed to eliminating carbon emissions and halving water usage at its breweries by 2030 as part of its new sustainability programme – Together Towards ZERO.

Water's New Normal

Cindy Wallis-Lage, President of Black & Veatch’s water business, discusses the importance of industry collaboration for more sustainable water systems.

Enabling a Science-Driven Supply Chain

The sustainable innovation of emerging technologies like blockchain and IoT are disrupting our supply chains at an accelerated rate. Lara Birkes, VP & Chief Sustainability Officer, HPE, explores the landscape and applications of these technologies to solve complex global challenges.

Our Response to Recent News About the Paris Climate Accord

Once upon a time not that long ago, in a land nearby to everywhere, Chicken Little was hit on the head by an acorn while on his way through the forest to get to school. Stunned and traumatized, he instinctively reached for his iPhone and tweeted: “#theskyisfalling,” assuming that as usual, it would be seen only by his small group of followers. As it happens sometimes, the story went viral.

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  1. Responsible Business
    We integrate responsible and sustainable practices in every aspect of our organization.Our products are created in ways that do not harm individuals...
  2. Small Business Growth
    We strengthen communities and help create local jobs by investing in underserved small business owners. We fund nonprofits that are focused on...
  3. WWF Sustainability Works Blog
    At World Wildlife Fund, we believe deeply in the private sector’s ability to drive positive environmental change. WWF Sustainability Works is a forum...
  4. IWBI | WELL Building Standard
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  5. Sustainable Products and Innovation
    Ongoing research into innovative solutions enables CNH’s brands to manufacture products that respect the environment while satisfying customers’...
  6. Fifth Third’s Neighborhood Program
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  7. Cascale Events
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  8. FedEx | Awards & Recognition
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  9. Whole Planet
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  10. Tork, an Essity brand
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