UN Global Compact Statement on US Decision to Withdraw from Paris Agreement

We are disappointed by the decision of the United States to leave the Paris Agreement, a historic global accord to combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations. Despite this setback, there is also cause for optimism. The Paris Agreement has activated an unstoppable momentum for climate action, with an essential role spelled out for responsible business.

HP Response to Paris Climate Agreement Decision

At HP, we see this not only as our responsibility, but vital to the longevity of our business. We support the Paris Climate Agreement and the global efforts to address climate change. HP is working to ensure our business is resilient, innovating to mitigate the effects of climate change and adapting to an evolving global business and regulatory environment that supports our customers, partners and employees.

Big Minnesota Companies Among Paris Pact Supporters

If President Trump withdraws the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement, he will be moving against the wishes of some of Minnesota’s biggest companies. “We would be incredibly disappointed if the U.S. decides to withdraw from the agreement to which our country had committed,” Cargill CEO David MacLennan said Wednesday in a statement to the Star Tribune.

Ecocentricity Blog - Front Two: Benign Emissions

Back in September 2003, the EPA decided that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were not “air pollutants,” meaning that the EPA didn’t have to regulate them under the Clean Air Act. A number of states concerned about climate change didn’t take kindly to this determination. Voila, we have a lawsuit!

Making the Global Goals HPE’s Business

2015 was a year filled with positive achievements for our collective future, with the adoption of both the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. However, in 2016, the voices of many in the world told us clearly that good intentions are not enough and that the current economic system is broken for them, with many asking whether the costs of globalisation are greater than its benefits. And now, nearly half-way into 2017, the world continues to face economic, social, environmental and political uncertainty.

HPE Launches World’s First Supply Chain Program Based on Climate Science

HPE is leading the way to a sustainable ICT supply chain with emissions reductions targets that could equate to taking 21 million cars off the road for an entire year. This first-of-its-kind supply chain management program will serve as a model for the industry and the world.

Q&A with Mike Lyons Head of Corporate & Institutional Banking

We know that corporate responsibility will continue to grow in importance, especially as technology and environmental issues evolve. Therefore, we will continue to learn and make thoughtful decisions as we go, and we will continue to engage with our constituents to better understand what’s most important to them.

PepsiCo Embraces Science-based Targets in the Fight Against Climate Change

PepsiCo has confirmed that its ambitious new target for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction has been verified and approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative as being in line with what climate science says is necessary to keep global warming below two degrees Celsius. The global food and beverage company has committed to work to reduce absolute GHG emissions across its value chain by at least 20 percent by 2030.

Colorado Dam Expansion to Substantially Improve Water Supply, Reliability

Black & Veatch has been selected to provide program management services to Denver Water on the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project.

The project is a major component of the utility’s comprehensive strategy to deliver safe, reliable water service and provide resilience to its system in the face of future threats including floods, wildfires and the potential impacts of climate change. The expansion will more than double current reservoir capacity and improve water supply dependability for the 1.4 million people Denver Water serves in the metro area.

How to Build an Infrastructure Inventory

The Ray is featured in the Atlas Blog

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