Energy Storage Evolution Electrifies the Future of Renewables

Bolstered by decreasing costs and strengthening regulatory support, demand for renewable energy is increasing as wind and solar photovoltaics continue to become more prominent contributors to utilities’ generation and revenue mix. As enthusiasm for renewable energy grows, wind and solar remain hampered by how much energy can be stored when generated to be used subsequently when energy is needed.

AIDA Cruises Receives Renowned Green Cruising Award 2018 for “Green-Cruising” Project

In the context of the 32rd two-day long Stuttgart Controlling and Management Forum, the Green-Controlling-Award 2018 was granted by the Péter-Horváth foundation on September 19, 2018. This year’s awardee is AIDA Cruises with its “Green Cruising” Project. Senior Vice President & CFO AIDA Cruises and CIO Costa Group Dr. Ali Arnaout accepted the price. He convincingly illustrated the innovative approaches of AIDA Cruises to present the “Green Cruising” strategy as a fundamental part of AIDA’s corporate planning and controlling.

Groundbreaking Partnership for Environmentally Friendly Cruise Tourism in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

On September 11, 2018, around 280 executives of AIDA Cruises welcomed the prime minister of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig at the AIDA Management Days in Rostock. The occasion was marked by the signing of a Declaration of Intend between AIDA Cruises, the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock and ROSTOCK PORT to jointly promote environmentally friendly and sustainable cruise shipping in Rostock,.

Integrating Renewables in the Grid: A Snapshot of Progress

Just a few years ago, there were predictions that 30 percent of power from renewables was all the grid could easily handle and that anything more would have significant consequences. However, recent events have shown that it is possible to integrate much higher levels of renewable energy without large negative effects. Part of the reason is that the growth has been incremental, typically a few percentage points a year, allowing grid planners to adjust as needed. It’s also because of the emergence of technologies and techniques that help incorporate fluctuating power from renewables into the grid.

The Future of Energy

The concept of “new energy” has ushered in a global movement dedicated to cost-effective sustainability, clean energy technology and grid innovation. Today more than ever, we’re seeing stakeholders and industry giants from all sectors — finance, manufacturing, retail, utilities, technology, even academia — come together in combined efforts.

The New Energy Economy

The energy ecosystem is changing, driven by the advent of distributed clean energy, increased competition from new technologies and service providers, the evolving expectations of customers, and new opportunities for serving those customers. As the traditional business model changes, utilities are seeking new opportunities for revenue as they establish themselves as the “Preferred Energy Partner.” But getting there is another story, requiring a comprehensive category of innovative products and services that will define the future of revenue generation in the energy space.

Ceres: Clean Energy Opportunities Align With Investment Fundamentals

Now that clean energy has gone mainstream, there is an array of existing and emerging opportunities to scale up clean energy investments while also meeting investors’ risk-return requirements. Across asset classes, clean energy opportunities are available that align with investment fundamentals such as long-term risk diversification. Savvy investors are now moving to understand the expanding opportunities in the clean energy sector, recognizing that this market is growing in terms of the breadth and quality of available opportunities.

Businesses and Institutions Call for a Regional Approach to Curb Transportation Emissions

Influential investors, companies, hospital systems, colleges, and universities called on Northeast and Mid-Atlantic governors to take steps to modernize the region’s transportation system and keep the local economy thriving.

“As businesses and investors with operations throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, we urge you to prioritize policies and investments to create a clean, equitable and efficient transportation system,” more than 70 signatories wrote in letters delivered this week to governors throughout the region. “Our system for moving people and goods throughout the region has a clear impact on business productivity and costs, and our region stands to benefit significantly from making investments today to modernize that system.”

Colorado Businesses Applaud Governor’s Move to Adopt Advanced Clean Car Standards

Influential businesses praised Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper’s decision this week to reduce transportation emissions and adopt a program that would put more clean and efficient cars on the road. The program, known as Advanced Clean Cars (ACC), will boost Colorado’s economy by increasing fuel cost savings, reducing health costs, and curbing greenhouse gas emissions.

Schneider Electric to Improve Energy Security and Resiliency at Fort Huachuca and Drive $63 Million in Savings

Energy and sustainability expert Schneider Electric today announced it is working on a $24 million project to improve energy security, resiliency and efficiency across Fort Huachuca's facilities. The project will reduce energy costs at the U.S. Army installation by 23 percent annually, generating nearly $63 million in savings over 23 years.

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