2017 in Review: Sustainability Reporting to Fight Climate Change

2017 was a record year in many respects, and climate change played a big part in it. We witnessed devastating natural disasters, groundbreaking policy changes and shocking political decisions, which set some of the progress backwards. However, many companies, states, even individuals, continue the fight with determination.

2017 in Review: Tools for Non-financial Reporting

After a challenging year for sustainability, this short series looks back at efforts and achievements in sustainability reporting during 2017. Part 3 focuses on the important work GRI has done with CSR EUrope regarding the new EU regulation, requiring companies to disclose non-financial information on a regular basis.

2017 in Review: Making the SDGs a Reality Through Sustainability Reporting

This year has been challenging for sustainability in many respects, but there have also been exciting developments in the sustainability reporting landscape. In part 2 of this short series, GRI looks back at efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals and developments with the investor community.

2017 in Review: The GRI Sustainability Standards One Year On

This year has been challenging for sustainability in many respects, but there have also been exciting developments in the sustainability reporting landscape. In this short series, we look back at GRI’s efforts, and at what 2018 has in store.

Building Sustainable and Inclusive Economies in Indo-Pacific

Working together with policymakers, regulators and enterprises, GRI raises awareness and enhances reporting capacity on key sustainability issues in the Indo-Pacific region. GRI’s programs with the Australian government contribute to building a more inclusive economy that ultimately creates a higher quality of life.

Welcoming GRI’s New Governance Body Members for 2018

The multi-stakeholder nature and global representation of GRI's governance bodies is one of the key factors in the organization's success. We welcome new members at the start of 2018 in out Board of Directors, Global Sustainability Standards Board, Stakeholder Council and Independent Appointments Committee.

GRI Reporters’ Summit North America: Learn, Master, Lead

GRI will be hosting a sustainability reporting summit in Arizona, USA, in February 2018. The Summit will bring together sustainability professionals from across North America to explore practical solutions and valuable learning they can take back to their organizations. Find out more and register today!

Case Study: Reporting as a Means to an End – Sustainable Development

What kind of reporting challenges does a conglomerate face when planning and executing a sustainability report? We interviewed Mark Harper, Sustainable Development Manager at Swire Pacific, about the challenges and benefits a conglomerate faces with their reporting process.​

Corporate Leadership, Social Progress

As the wild ride of 2017 comes to an end, we reflect on a year that was replete with loss and pain, but also a year when leading corporations have stepped up on major social issues.

Through CECP’s collaboration with 200+ companies, hundreds of monthly inquiries and discussions, proprietary surveys, and conversations with leading experts and on-the-ground practitioners, we see six trends as companies lead during these uncertain times.

Benchmarking Reporting: GRI’s New Service Reveals Trends and Opportunities

GRI’s new Benchmarking Service helps you to understand how your reporting compares to what your peers are doing in your industry, country and region, and is a useful tool to showcase the ROI of sustainability reporting.

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