Days of Our Droplets: The Story of Water

Happy World Water Day! Held annually on March 22, World Water Day is an international day centered around the importance of our freshwater resources, and brings awareness to how we manage those resources sustainably. Goldcorp’s Towards Zero Water Strategy (H2Zero) is our commitment to optimizing and reducing freshwater consumption at all our mine sites. A product of the 2016 Sustainability Summit, H2Zero is a multi-year water reduction strategy.

Delos-Commissioned Research Underscores Effectiveness of Naava Green Wall Air Purification Technology

The future of office design has begun to turn “outside-in” as the best of the natural world begins to infiltrate our interior environments. From Amazon’s recently opened plant-filled office in Seattle, WA to Google’s biophilic Chicago headquarters, this movement is taking shape in some of the most innovative organizations and offices in the world. Leading this charge is Finnish health technology company Naava, a global pioneer in botanic indoor air purification.

Cruising Toward a Zero, Zero, Zero Future

Last week, General Motors announced that it will begin making a production version of the self-driving Cruise AV at its Orion Township assembly plant in Michigan, while roof modules for the vehicles will be assembled at the Brownstone battery plant. The automaker will invest more than $100 million to upgrade both facilities, bringing the company a step closer to its vision for future mobility.

Helping CSR Succeed in India

A leading media company is using its storytelling expertise to change sanitation and hygiene behaviours of beneficiaries in Mumbai slums; a transport finance company is training men and women to become truck drivers, providing them with livelihoods opportunities; an Indian conglomerate is implementing systemic socio-economic empowerment programs in villages around its factories. These are just some examples of how companies are implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India today.

Utilities Key to Powering the Future of Mass Transit EVs

What will mass transit look like in the future? Earlier this year, California announced an ambitious plan to reduce emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, setting the state on a path to achieving 80-percent reduction by 2050. Although satisfying these goals will require contributions from all sectors of the economy, the transition to zero- and near-zero emission vehicles will play an outsized role — particularly when it comes to mass transit.

Managing Water Supplies Through Innovation in Southern California

The City of Lakewood, California, hired Tetra Tech to design a new stormwater capture project that will improve water quality in the Los Cerritos Channel by removing pollutants conveyed within stormwater. The project consists of an air-inflated rubber dam diversion system to re-direct all runoff from the channel through a pre-treatment system to remove trash, debris, and sediment.

UPS London Switches on Smart Grid to Super-Charge Electric Delivery Fleet

UPS has deployed a radical new charging technology in London that overcomes the challenge of simultaneously recharging an entire fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) without the need for the expensive upgrade to the power supply grid.

A Bill of Rights for Clean Water by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Motivated by that stunning display of grassroots power of 20 milllon Americans on the first Earth Day, Republicans and Democrats working together created the Environmental Protection Agency and passed 28 major laws over the next decade to protect our air, water, endangered species, wetlands, food and public lands. Those statutes included the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, which were all designed to reassert the ancient public trust rights that had eroded since the industrial revolution.

Consumers Energy Plans New Grand Rapids Headquarters

Consumers Energy’s investment in West Michigan continues with plans announced today for a new $20 million headquarters in the city of Grand Rapids to serve the fastest-growing region of its company. Locating the building in the city’s West Side, a vibrant area seeing significant redevelopment centered on sustainability and walkability, is a promise to Consumers Energy’s employees of today and tomorrow.

Final 2 Weeks for Early Bird Pricing!

We're in the FINAL two weeks of Early Bird pricing to attend the 2018 Sustainability and Circular Economy Summit May 9—10 in Washington, D.C.! Register before March 30 to get the lowest rates.

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    At Illumina, the faster we can innovate, the more lives we can help save. As a genomics pioneer, we have proven through focused and continued...
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  3. Whole Cities
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