Natural Wonder: 2017 Nightingale Awards Best of Competition

Lichen, a modular plank carpet system from Mohawk Group, was the Best of Competition winner in the 2017 Nightingale Awards. The collection blends concepts of sustainability and biophilic design.

With Great Wolf Set to Open, Leaders Focus on Exit 13 Beautification

The City of LaGrange, GA is looking to make a good first impression on the 500,000 plus visitors who are expected to drive through the city on The Ray starting this spring.

Expert Interview With Leslie Turner, Drinking Water Expert

Leslie Turner has more than 20 years of experience in planning, permitting, design, project management, and construction management for water programs throughout the Southeastern United States. She has served in a senior management role for numerous engineering programs including water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, reclaimed water, and aquifer storage and recovery. She has extensive experience assisting clients with utility master planning and developing funding and capital improvement programs.

SCS Empowers Companies to Build Business Value Through Sustainability

Check out this video that highlights how SCS Global Services empowers companies to build business value through sustainability by safeguarding the environment, climate, health and supporting the needs of workers and communities. Find out why we are the leading third-party certifier in the industry by following our upcoming #100waysSCSempowers campaign on social media to see all the ways we work with various organizations around the world.

Electrification of Transport at the Convergence of Mobility, Energy for Smarter City Transformations

CEO of Schneider Electric & Enel in partnership with World Economic Forum provide their thoughts on how businesses can help in solving the challenges of mobility and energy.

Ecocentricity Blog: After the Storm

Maria is estimated to have cost $90 billion in damages, which means its impact will be felt for a long time yet to come. Puerto Ricans won’t forget Maria for decades, if ever.

Should Your Investment Strategy Incorporate a Climate Risk Discount?

Consider these three recent developments: California emerged from drought in April 2017, fewer companies reported impacts associated with water scarcity, and the average freshwater intensity of companies in the MSCI ACWI Index dropped by 15 percent between 2015 and 2016. While these are positive short term signals for investors concerned with water scarcity, 2017 was also the most costly in U.S. history for natural disasters.

More Efficient Freight Transportation Reduces Environmental Impact

Trucks filled with dense pulp and paper sometimes struggle with weight restrictions. Lighter personal care products often have the opposite problem, completely filling the trailer despite rules that allow more weight. Learn how Domtar's commitment to sustainability touches every corner of the business, including the open road.

Streets of the Future Could Take Automatic Tire Readings

Just imagine not having to rely on pre- or post-trip inspections for the condition of your tire tread or tire pressure.

Brightening Our Corner Newsletter - February 2018

This is the quarterly newsletter for the Ray C. Anderson Foundation, a private family foundation that seeks to promote a sustainable society by supporting and funding educational and project-based initiatives that advance knowledge and innovation in sustainability.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Business
    At Illumina, the faster we can innovate, the more lives we can help save. As a genomics pioneer, we have proven through focused and continued...
  2. Responsible Seafood
    As one of the country’s largest grocers, we recognize our responsibility to protect our natural resources. Protecting our oceans is critical for...
  3. Whole Cities
    Whole Cities, a project of Whole Foods Market Foundation, is on a mission to improve individual and community health through collaborative...
  4. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is embedded in our company values. We actively promote it among our employees, raise awareness, and foster an...
  5. Antea Group Brand
    Antea Group Brand Content
  6. Greener Products and Solutions
    We actively integrate sustainability into the product development process and look at all phases of the product life cycle for opportunities to...
  7. Biomimicry and Ray of Hope Accelerator
    The Ray C. Anderson Foundation has partnered with the Biomimicry Institute to create the Ray of Hope Accelerator, designed to bring commercially...
  8. Foundation Events and Speaking Engagements
    This section lists upcoming Foundation events, partnerships and speaking engagements featuring the executive director and the trustees.
  9. Seamless Connections
    We end supply chain disruption by reducing friction in every part of the journey to create certainty and security for all. We ensure quick...
  10. Delivering Financial Security and Expanding Financial Access
    We invest in delivering financial security to a broader representation of Americans and improving financial access to help reduce the wealth gap.