Intuitively, companies often are on a growth plan to exceed their expectations for the year. This often comes when ant sized organization/enterprise has a desire to expand into global markets and have a broader reach to its potential consumers.
Citizens of the port city of Tianjin are growing more concerned in the aftermath of the chemical warehouse explosion that left over 100 people dead. As the investigation into the causes behind the explosions continue to unfold, it is becoming apparent that the warehouse in question was one of many that violated safety regulations. According to satellite images and a probe into public records, many buildings across China store toxic chemicals too close residential areas and majors roads.
“It is important to Grupo Financiero Banorte to listen to and maintain an open dialogue with its stakeholders,” stated Mayra Hernández, Executive Director of Social Responsibility. That is why we seek a positive impact with each one of our decisions, decisions that we have transformed into various actions and initiatives in response to social issues relevant to our stakeholders.
Para Grupo Financiero Banorte es de suma importancia escuchar y mantener un diálogo abierto con sus grupos de interés dijo Mayra Hernández, Directora Ejecutiva de Responsabilidad Social. Por ello buscamos impactar de manera positiva con cada una de nuestras decisiones, mismas que hemos transformado en diversas acciones e iniciativas, en respuesta a los temas sociales relevantes para nuestros grupos de interés.
The trend of integrated reporting emerges on a global scale in response to a growing number of regulations required by firms, a more comprehensive breakdown of various non-financial indicators, as well as a higher level of transparency in the handling of information. As a result, nowadays, intangible indicators such as human resources, intellectual and natural capital, begin to have considerable relevance in the valuation of companies.
La tendencia de reporteo integrado, surge a nivel mundial en respuesta a que cada vez un mayor número de legislaciones requieren, por parte de las empresas, un desglose más exhaustivo de varios indicadores extra financieros, así como un nivel superior de transparencia en el manejo de la información. Como resultado, en la actualidad diversos indicadores intangibles como lo son el capital humano, el capital intelectual y el capital natural, empiezan a cobrar considerable relevancia en la valuación de las compañías.
For several years now, Grupo Financiero Banorte has had a strategy for environmental responsibility with the goal of conserving resources and generating environmental awareness among employees, customers and suppliers through various efforts.
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