Unreasonable Impact | Clean, Safe, Unlimited Energy for Everyone: Q&A with General Fusion

Jun 30, 2017 9:05 AM ET
Campaign: Entrepreneurs

Originally posted on Unreasonable Impact, created with Barclays

By 2050, we could see nearly 10 billion people inhabiting Earth who will require energy in order to participate in the global economy. Today, coal still provides 40 percent of the world’s electricity. It’s also the most carbon-intensive source of power, with its CO2 emissions producing the vast majority of the world’s greenhouse gases.

With energy demand rising in tandem with population growth, we need prevalent sources of energy that are emission-free, safe, and affordable. Fusion energy could be the answer.

General Fusion is developing the world’s first commercially viable fusion power plant. Forget the images of doomsday nuclear meltdown. With fusion, meltdown is impossible; it’s actually the same process that powers the sun. Fusion energy emits no greenhouse gases, produces no long-term radioactive waste, and it can be created anywhere in the world.

Unreasonable sat down with Bruce Colwill, Chief Financial Officer at General Fusion, about how fusion just might provide unlimited energy in the not so distant future.

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