CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

Content from this campaign

Research, Reports & Publications

Twenty Years and Going Strong!
As CECP marks its 20th anniversary, corporate social investment is more important than ever. Looking back at the last two decades, measuring and benchmarking social investment overall has become more integrated in corporate strategies and has employed more sophisticated tools and models to evaluate progress. Since its founding, CECP has been steadfast and unparalleled in helping companies transform their social strategy and gain serious, on-going traction.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

How Purpose and Culture Are Driving Sustainable, Long-Term Growth and Profitability
CEOs from institutional investor firms BlackRock and State Street released their annual guidance to companies on practices they “believe will drive sustainable, long-term growth, and profitability.” These letters were issued amidst widespread cynicism, both socially and economically, while anxious chatter continues about the role of business, capitalism, and strategic time horizons.

Events, Media & Communications

Sights & Sounds of the World Economic Forum 2019
CECP has browsed hours of video and content found on the World Economic Forum (WEF) homepage to give you the short-and-sweet best of the WEF 2019. Click to see our top picks.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Nine Signs You Need to Refresh Your Social Impact Approach
Few companies of any size would let marketing or operations coast for a year or two without strategic review. A lack of regular planning is an equally big risk when it comes to social impact initiatives. And, considering brands with a high sense of purpose have experienced a brand valuation of 175% over the past 12 years, failure to keep up could put you at a significant disadvantage.

Whether you’re a leader in fast-growing company, a corporation, or nonprofit, here are telltale signs you should refresh your social impact initiative.

Media & Communications

Best CSR Reads of 2018
Jennifer Weston-Murphy of CECP shares her annual list of must-reads in the CSR space for 2018

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Four Ways RBC Capital Markets Is Engaging Its Employees in Its Corporate Philanthropy
At RBC Capital Markets, we’re passionate about being a values-oriented, purpose-driven and principles-led organization. We call this our “Collective Ambition” and the word collective is critical. We want our employees aligned with our purpose: to help our clients thrive and communities prosper and we want to ensure employees are 100% engaged in the philanthropic initiatives we support.

Diversity & Inclusion

Investments to Promote a More Inclusive Society
It is undeniably a divisive time in the United States with growing inequality, polarization of the political spheres, heightened racial tensions, and acts of extremist violence. We are all longing for greater empathy and tolerance. CECP is proud to mark the Day of Understanding by launching a new White Paper, Diversity & Inclusion in Corporate Social Engagement, as one step we, together with our companies, are taking to further embrace difference and build more inclusive cultures in our companies and communities.

Innovation & Technology

Girls With Impact: Equipping 10,000 Girls as Tomorrow’s CEOs
A host of STEM and coding programs already exist for girls, Girls With Impact fills a critical void in the Future of Work and the timely focus on women: providing real business and entrepreneurship training, equipping the next generation to innovate and lead, whether they work for a corporate or for themselves.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Deep Dive on Giving in Numbers: How Business Is Supporting Veterans
The U.S. Department of Labor in October celebrated the continued improvement of the unemployment rate for veterans since with a 2.9 percent, down from 3.7 percent in 2017 (the non-veteran unemployment rate in comparison is 3.5 percent). This accomplishment is in large part due to the efforts of leading companies and nonprofits that have broken down barriers to veteran employment such as translating job skills from military to civilian work roles and communicating the high-value veterans bring to the workplace.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Hurricane Michael Highlighted the Growing Diversity of Corporate Responses to Natural Disasters
Arriving on the heels of Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael proved again that companies are making significant commitments to relief and recovery efforts in the wake of natural disasters. Our round-up of Hurricane Florence corporate response efforts covered some innovative ways that companies are reacting to disasters. Unfortunately, we’re already revisiting the topic with a snapshot of how companies reacted to Hurricane Michael, and why it’s increasingly critical for any company to have a disaster response strategy in place.

More from CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose

  1. Investing in Society
    Developed from CECP’s original research; findings from the 2017 Giving in Numbers Survey, conducted in association with The Conference Board; and...
  2. CECP's Global Exchange
    The Global Exchange units country-based, mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for...
  3. CECP Trends and Reports
    A collection of news and updates about CECP's original research and insights on corporate social investments
  4. CECP's Investing in Society
    CECP has launched the newly digitized Investing in Society, an engaging, interactive experience that centralizes and draws themes from key corporate...
  5. 2018 Giving in Numbers
    Giving in Numbers, the largest, most robust, industry-leading and internationally recognized research of corporate social engagement of its kind, is...
  6. 2017 Board of Boards
    Leading CEOs who are a part of CECP: The CEO Force for Good –a coalition of more than 200 corporations collectively representing $7 trillion in annual...
  7. Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy
    CECP's Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy are among the most coveted awards in the field, drawing an extraordinary pool of applications each...
  8. Giving in Numbers: 2010 Edition
    Drawn from CECP's Corporate Giving Standard (CGS), which contains over $70 billion in comparative corporate philanthropy data from leading multi...
  9. Shaping the Future: Solving Social Problems through Business Strategy
    This groundbreaking report is the result of a collaborative project with McKinsey & Company; research included interviews with dozens of CEOs and...
  10. CECP Global Exchange
    Uniting mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for good around the world. Learn more...