CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

Content from this campaign

Social Impact & Volunteering

Pro Bono Services Continues Creating a Stronger Sense of Purpose Among Employees All Over the World
The week of October 22nd marked the celebration of Pro Bono Week! CECP wants to reiterate its support to this important employee engagement tool and celebrate its importance for society. The recently released Giving in Numbers: 2017 Edition report evidences the benefits for companies of communicating a clear sense of purpose to their employees.

Innovation & Technology

Systemic Investments in Equity, Talent & Tech – Towards an Equity Lens
Developing a robust and diverse technical workforce in the United States remains a critical national challenge. Addressing equity directly is a requirement for meeting that challenge. Federal guidelines established under the last administration have made the goal clear. In response, U.S. educational institutions, corporations and philanthropic organizations have targeted efforts to address this issue that sits squarely at the intersection of industry needs and social justice.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Changing the Conversation From Short-Term to Long-Term Value
In his article “The False Prophet of Long Term Investing” James Mackintosh makes a nuanced argument about long-term investing versus short term trading. While he agrees that short-termism can lead to the wrong incentives for corporate management, a state of affairs he acknowledges large investors are working to correct, Mr. Mackintosh warns against blaming short-termism for meager capital spending.

Diversity & Inclusion

How CSR Can Advance Gender Equity
In recent years, companies have increasingly focused their CSR efforts on creating opportunities for women and girls. CSR gender efforts often start with a focus on bringing women “up to speed” through trainings, hiring quotas, and scholarships. For example, in the financial services sector, a significant number of companies have some portion of their CSR portfolio dedicated to financial literacy for women around the world. These investments focus on issues ranging from household finances to entrepreneurial business skills to salary negotiations.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

New Models of Corporate Citizenship
Many corporate citizenship programs involve initiatives that reflect immediate problems (such as apprenticeship programs to fill near-term openings), the nature of their company (such as financial literacy), or local community needs (arts, athletics, etc.). In addition, though, some business leaders and corporations are addressing a social goal that is outside their business expertise and far beyond next year’s workforce projections. They are also taking a set of actions that tap into the whole array of corporate assets to solve a pressing problem.

Innovation & Technology

Hands-On Scientific Learning Goes Global with Amgen Biotech Experience Expansion
It's no surprise that when students become fascinated by science, that enthusiasm can be contagious. From our survey with Change the Equation, we know students crave hands-on biology experiences that are often lacking in the classroom. The Amgen Foundation is on a mission to help more students catch the science bug, by introducing them to the thrill of scientific discovery and the experiences of actual working scientists.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

CEOs Respond to Charlottesville
Along with so many across the nation, CECP was shocked by the events in Charlottesville earlier this month and yet encouraged by the actions of the CEOs of many of world’s largest corporations – most affiliated with this CECP network – that demonstrated that the courage and conviction of business can and should be a force for good.

Research, Reports & Publications

It’s Clear, Social Investment Drives Business Value
A myth has long lingered in the private sector- the bottom line can only be driven by company-centered investments and business strategy. Today, however, the conversation has shifted from company-centered to stakeholder-centered, from bottom-line to triple-bottom line. And as CSR becomes more deeply integrated into core business strategy, a clear fact is emerging: Profit and Purpose should NOT be divorced. In fact, the opposite is true: These two make a power couple for companies seeking to be industry leaders.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Starting Strong in Corporate Societal Engagement Leadership: Your First 90 Days
Congratulations! You’ve earned a senior role in your company’s societal engagement function. You’ve been tapped for your leadership and your ability to collaborate, influence, inspire, and creatively and resiliently navigate the unique complexities of your organization to drive business and social impact. Well done.

Events, Media & Communications

5 Reasons Why I Attend the Board of Boards CEO Roundtable

More from CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose

  1. Investing in Society
    Developed from CECP’s original research; findings from the 2017 Giving in Numbers Survey, conducted in association with The Conference Board; and...
  2. CECP's Global Exchange
    The Global Exchange units country-based, mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for...
  3. CECP Trends and Reports
    A collection of news and updates about CECP's original research and insights on corporate social investments
  4. CECP's Investing in Society
    CECP has launched the newly digitized Investing in Society, an engaging, interactive experience that centralizes and draws themes from key corporate...
  5. 2018 Giving in Numbers
    Giving in Numbers, the largest, most robust, industry-leading and internationally recognized research of corporate social engagement of its kind, is...
  6. 2017 Board of Boards
    Leading CEOs who are a part of CECP: The CEO Force for Good –a coalition of more than 200 corporations collectively representing $7 trillion in annual...
  7. Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy
    CECP's Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy are among the most coveted awards in the field, drawing an extraordinary pool of applications each...
  8. Giving in Numbers: 2010 Edition
    Drawn from CECP's Corporate Giving Standard (CGS), which contains over $70 billion in comparative corporate philanthropy data from leading multi...
  9. Shaping the Future: Solving Social Problems through Business Strategy
    This groundbreaking report is the result of a collaborative project with McKinsey & Company; research included interviews with dozens of CEOs and...
  10. CECP Global Exchange
    Uniting mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for good around the world. Learn more...