CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

Three Ways IBM Is Using Technology to Serve the Public Good
Technologies like AI, blockchain, and cloud are enabling us to make significant progress on many thorny social challenges. But without thoughtful stewardship about how these powerful new technologies are designed, developed and brought into the world, they can also be disruptive in a negative way. Companies that are leading the way in developing new technologies must also lead the way in ensuring they are secure, trustworthy, fair, and benefit all people.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

How Taiwanese Companies Are Responding to the Sustainable Development Goals
Climate change is a global challenge, and financial, supply chain and other related risks derived from climate change are among the top of the list of potential major impact risks. Taiwanese companies, like many global companies around the world, are beginning to realize the severity of the situation. Taiwanese businesses are using the Sustainable Development Goals to help guide progress and business operations for the future.

Research, Reports & Publications

Let Numbers Be Numbers
How many times have you been tasked with charting a new course, only to be overwhelmed by the number of choices when picking a direction? Already there is a lengthy list of “S in ESG” metrics that relate to people and community initiatives. Each company is on a journey of narrowing its focus on those most critical for the company’s strategy, which will, of course, be different from corporate peers. However, if our collective goal is to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, we need to find a way to measure the whole picture.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Are Chinese enterprises going global responsibly?
China is now the second largest investing country in the world, with it's outward foreign direct investment (FDI) rising 44 percent to $183 billion in 2016, according to the World Investment Report 2017 published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. China’s latest official statistics show that by the end of 2016, around 24,400 domestic investors had established some 37,200 FDI enterprises in 190 countries and regions.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Building Your Scorecard or Raising Your Ranking?
The landscape of reporting standards, guidelines, ratings, rankings, indexes can become dizzying very quickly. The ecosystem of companies measuring and reporting on how they are a force for good in society is alive and well. The nuts and bolts of how companies accomplish reporting can be a major operational challenge, not to mention the resource investment. How will companies’ tough choices on where to focus their efforts change over the years? A counter-balance to ratings and rankings is improvements to how a company reports and measures itself, such as through a Strategic Scorecard.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Helping CSR Succeed in India
A leading media company is using its storytelling expertise to change sanitation and hygiene behaviours of beneficiaries in Mumbai slums; a transport finance company is training men and women to become truck drivers, providing them with livelihoods opportunities; an Indian conglomerate is implementing systemic socio-economic empowerment programs in villages around its factories. These are just some examples of how companies are implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India today.


Delivering on Climate Commitments
As the world counts down to two degrees, innovative companies are taking the lead and filling the policy void. Businesses are voluntarily setting quantifiable climate change targets; many committing to carbon neutrality. Going even further, visionary corporate leaders are delivering on climate commitments through enduring solutions that possess significant, measurable co-benefits.

Research, Reports & Publications

Next Steps to Improving Measurement
CECP has been known for measurement since its founding, with our dataset starting back in 2001 and Giving in Numbers almost to its 15th anniversary. While our companies’ questions drive CECP’s work more than anything, across our team we also keep a pulse on new product offerings or studies to find opportunities to play match-maker between a company challenge and another organization’s solution (if not ours).

Innovation & Technology

Systemic Investments in Equity, Talent & Tech: Equity Along the Spectrum
The Systemic Investments in Equity, Talent, and Tech Accelerate Community has taken a deep dive into the structure and objectives of individual programs focused on tech equity in the portfolios of its members. The objective of the CECP community is to develop a framework that can render corporate efforts in tech equity more impactful. At the center of the work is the identification of the core variables that distinguish equity from equality.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Response to WSJ’s “Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing”
Andy Kessler made some interesting points in his piece, “Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing." Chiefly, we at CECP: The CEO Force for Good, agree with his emphasis on the importance of profits. The issue is how you get there and how to create sustainable value, not just short-term gains. When he suggests that to invest in socially motivated companies, one is passing up gains, he proceeds from a false dichotomy. Properly realized, the value proposition of a corporation—its outputs, its employee and community relations, its returns, and, yes, its philanthropy—are not linear; they are circular.

More from CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose

  1. Investing in Society
    Developed from CECP’s original research; findings from the 2017 Giving in Numbers Survey, conducted in association with The Conference Board; and...
  2. CECP's Global Exchange
    The Global Exchange units country-based, mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for...
  3. CECP Trends and Reports
    A collection of news and updates about CECP's original research and insights on corporate social investments
  4. CECP's Investing in Society
    CECP has launched the newly digitized Investing in Society, an engaging, interactive experience that centralizes and draws themes from key corporate...
  5. 2018 Giving in Numbers
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  6. 2017 Board of Boards
    Leading CEOs who are a part of CECP: The CEO Force for Good –a coalition of more than 200 corporations collectively representing $7 trillion in annual...
  7. Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy
    CECP's Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy are among the most coveted awards in the field, drawing an extraordinary pool of applications each...
  8. Giving in Numbers: 2010 Edition
    Drawn from CECP's Corporate Giving Standard (CGS), which contains over $70 billion in comparative corporate philanthropy data from leading multi...
  9. Shaping the Future: Solving Social Problems through Business Strategy
    This groundbreaking report is the result of a collaborative project with McKinsey & Company; research included interviews with dozens of CEOs and...
  10. CECP Global Exchange
    Uniting mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for good around the world. Learn more...