Climate Action & Environmental Management

Reach net-zero carbon in our own operations by 2030 and partner with suppliers to reduce their climate impact.

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Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Griffith Foods Bangalore, India, Achieves ISO 14001 Certification for Environmental Management
Griffith Foods is thrilled to announce that our manufacturing site in Bangalore, India, has achieved ISO 14001 certification for environmental management! This

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Griffith Foods Expands Sustainability Team With Kimberly Schaub, Global Sustainability Business Development Director and Bernard Hayman, Global Director of Sustainable Food System Networks
Griffith Foods is excited to announce the expansion of the global sustainability team with the addition of two new positions. Kimberly Schaub and Bernard Hayman are talented additions to the organization and their work is crucial for advancing the company’s 2030 Aspirations.


Griffith Foods: Environmental Classroom Made From Plastic Waste in Colombia
In 2023, we proudly delivered “Laboratorio de los Sueños,” an innovative environmental classroom at the Isidoro School in El Rosario de Marinilla, built entirely from recycled plastic waste.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Griffith Foods: All APAC Region Plants Achieve ISO 14001 Certification
Griffith Foods APAC is the first region to have achieved ISO 14001 certification across all sites for their Environmental Management System (EMS), marking a significant milestone in our global sustainability efforts.


Growing the Future: Griffith Foods Partners With Jundiaí School for Regenerative Agriculture Education
Griffith Foods Brazil is sprouting positive change. Partnering with ETEC, a public technical school in Jundiaí City, we’re empowering the next generation of agricultural technicians with the knowledge of regenerative agriculture.


Griffith Foods: Advancing Regenerative Agriculture Farming Practices
In 2023, alongside Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited, the Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA), and the Sustainable Food Lab, we launched an innovative pilot program to promote regenerative agriculture in wheat farming.


Griffith Foods Enables Regenerative Agriculture
This Earth Day was a reminder that we all share one earth and it’s our responsibility to care for it. Regenerative agriculture practices help safeguard our planet.


Griffith Foods Celebrates Water Stewardship
Griffith Foods is working to make a difference in water stewardship.

Events, Media & Communications

Griffith Foods Welcomes Michelle Egger As Global Director of Partnerships and Madeline Patterson Smith As Global Director of Sustainability Impact Reporting
Griffith Foods is proud to announce the addition of two global directors, Michelle Egger and Madeline Patterson Smith. These new roles will play a pivotal role in advancing the company’s 2030 Aspirations and purpose-driven strategy.

Sustainable Development Goals

Personas, Planeta y Desempeño, los Pilares de Griffith Foods por la Sostenibilidad
Para Griffith Foods medir su impacto es clave para crear mejores procesos donde tienen presencia, por eso, son signatarios y socios del Pacto Global de La ONU, el Consejo Empresarial Mundial para el Desarrollo Sostenible, la Iniciativa de Especias Sostenibles.

More from Griffith Foods

  1. Health & Nutrition
    Be the leading nutritious and sustainable product development partner for our customers, developing industry leading solutions that enable the...
  2. Wellbeing & Fulfillment
    Empower and support our People, ensure fair pay and equitable working practices, and create opportunitiesf or underrepresented and marginalized groups...
  3. Climate Action & Environmental Management
    Reach net-zero carbon in our own operations by 2030 and partner with suppliers to reduce their climate impact.
  4. Sustainable Sourcing
    Purchase our raw materials from sustainable sources, improve farmer livelihoods and work with our industry to scale regenerative farming practices.
  5. Sustainability Reports
    Sustainability Reports from Griffith Foods