CSR Blogs

If only sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) were simple and easy to execute. On the contrary, their very complexity is shifting and shaping the current and global professional landscape. And with these changes come a host of new questions, a bevy of new challenges, countless creative successes, and even more demoralizing failures as businesses, nonprofits, governments, and individuals attempt to embrace sustainability and CSR on both the professional and personal levels.

In this everchanging space, Justmeans Staff writers use their knowledge and expertise to bring you the leading stories and facts to help readers stay current on all these issues. As the business world continues to grapple with sustainability and CSR, Justmeans will continue to write about it.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

Bringing Women into Africa’s Growth Story


Grey Water Wagon Provides Recycling For Californians

Innovation & Technology

The World Has Heard of ‘HeForShe’ But Have You Heard of ‘She Works’?

Innovation & Technology

Vestergaard To Reach 125,000 Kenyan Children with "Follow the Liters" Program

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

A New Role for Business: Nestlé’s Creating Shared Value Forum

Innovation & Technology

DuPont and P&G Introduce Green Innovation with Cellulosic Ethanol

Responsible Production & Consumption

Shopping for Change: A New Generation of Shoppers Helps to Bring Social Responsibility Home

Innovation & Technology

Smokeless Biofuel Saves Lives in Africa


Four Companies Team Up for $8B Green Energy Project in California

Health & Healthcare

Apple, Nike, Kohl’s, Nestle, Jamba Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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