Ecocentricity Blog

A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson.  Musings from John as he manages the private family foundation that keeps Ray's legacy alive. Subscribe here.

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Content from this campaign


Ecocentricity Blog: Running Away With It
If the major economies of the world are in a race for the most robust and sustained economic growth, then China may have just broken from the pack.


Ecocentricity Blog: Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
The foundational question is simple – what climate solutions have the greatest potential to reverse global warming in Georgia?

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Ecocentricity Blog: The Prisoner's Dilemma
Many of the environmental problems seen globally come from profitable companies that operate in either an extractive or polluting manner, seeking to enrich themselves while harming communities and ecosystems.


Ecocentricity Blog: Cringe Watching
The folks at Tree Media produced this 20-minute film that both explains biomimicry and features many of the teams who have participated in the Biomimicry Launchpad and competed for the Ray of Hope Prize.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Ecocentricity Blog: Unsung Heroes
Humans rarely design systems of production with decomposition in mind. Whether it’s a snow ski, a scooter or a skyscraper, the things humans make often lack a clear plan for disassembly into their basic building blocks, and it’s a significant problem.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Ecocentricity Blog: An Aluminum Smelter Far, Far Away
Some producers of aluminum have developed an alternative form of electrolysis that produces only oxygen as a direct byproduct. It’s good news, and recently Apple decided to purchase this low carbon aluminum for use in their laptops.


Ecocentricity Blog: Walking and Chewing Gum
I’m a huge advocate for utility-scale solar. That doesn’t mean, however, that I think we’re doing it perfectly right now.


Ecocentricity Blog: Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Many of environmentalism’s conflicts are unnecessary and ultimately impediments to what we are trying to accomplish. What do we do about resolving those conflicts? I think we would be wise to turn to the example of Mister Rogers.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: An Appealing Solution
Apeel Sciences' story is a great example of biomimicry. They looked at how all plants on land have a surface layer that protects from drying and rotting, and they studied the molecular structure of those “peels” in fruits and vegetables. Then they developed a coating that mimics and amplifies their effectiveness.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: Pulling a (Uni)Lever
Imagine if every customer could quickly and easily see the carbon footprint of what they were buying. I bet a lot of people would choose the lower carbon option!

More from Ray C. Anderson Foundation

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    The Ray C. Anderson Foundation has partnered with the Biomimicry Institute to create the Biomimicry Launchpad and the $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize™...
  2. Brightening Our Corner Newsletter
    Quarterly newsletter from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. Subscribe here.
  3. Drawdown Georgia
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  4. Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business
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  5. The Ray
    News and information about The Ray, Georgia's restorative, sustainable highway of the future.
  6. NextGen Committee
    Ray C. Anderson’s five grandchildren, along with their spouses, comprise the NextGen Committee of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. The Committee makes...
  7. Ecocentricity Blog
    A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson. Musings from John as he manages...
  8. Foundation Events and Speaking Engagements
    This section lists upcoming Foundation events, partnerships and speaking engagements featuring the executive director and the trustees.
  9. Mid-Course Correction Revisited
    Mid-Course Correction Revisited is both a how-to and a why-to on the future for green business, as seen through the lens of one of the most pioneering...
  10. Georgia Climate Project
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