Ecocentricity Blog

A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson.  Musings from John as he manages the private family foundation that keeps Ray's legacy alive. Subscribe here.

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Ecocentricity Blog: OK Doomer
There is simply too much work to be done to solve the climate crisis, and that work can become unbearable without a positive vision to work toward. Fortunately, climate fiction can also help us more fully imagine that positive vision.


Ecocentricity Blog: Poetry for the Planet
It’s going to be a short post today, mainly because I want to lift up the work of someone else. A friend of mine sent me a 2018 Youtube video of a young poet reciting a poem she wrote about climate action (thanks Deron!).


Ecocentricity Blog: A Forgotten Relationship
When you imagine yourself as an ancestor, it’s an invitation to remember a relationship that is often forgotten – the family of our future. Whether you are aware of it or not, right now you are living a relationship with your descendants.


Ecocentricity Blog: Eggshells
Looking ahead, I choose to do so with hope and a commitment to action. As a species living on Spaceship Earth, we desperately need both, and I firmly believe they will be the keys to redeeming this past year.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: The Problems With Palm Oil
With high international demand for a low-price commodity material produced in the developing world, the palm oil industry sprung up without corresponding procedures and oversight to limit abuses.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: Supply and Demand
Emerging market countries are likely to provide supply-side interventions into their auto markets. Whether the issue is energy independence, air quality, or cost savings, transitioning to electric vehicles makes good sense.


Ecocentricity Blog: Stranded on the Side of the Road
As humanity more fully understands the urgency of the climate crisis, and as business and governments do more to proactively decarbonize society, entire sectors will be rendered obsolete.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Ecocentricity Blog: Lists of Ten
I have no idea if an anthropologist would agree, but I’m convinced that humans make lists of ten because we just so happened to evolve with ten fingers.


Ecocentricity Blog: Rent a COP
Participants at Mock COP will experience keynotes, panels, workshops and caucuses structured around five climate themes: climate justice, education, health, green jobs, and carbon reduction targets.


Ecocentricity Blog: An Errant Tweet
To be clear, individual choices do matter, and a lot of virtual ink is spilled in this blog advocating for them. But climate change is a systems-scale problem.

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  2. Brightening Our Corner Newsletter
    Quarterly newsletter from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. Subscribe here.
  3. Drawdown Georgia
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  4. Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business
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  5. The Ray
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  6. NextGen Committee
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  7. Ecocentricity Blog
    A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson. Musings from John as he manages...
  8. Foundation Events and Speaking Engagements
    This section lists upcoming Foundation events, partnerships and speaking engagements featuring the executive director and the trustees.
  9. Mid-Course Correction Revisited
    Mid-Course Correction Revisited is both a how-to and a why-to on the future for green business, as seen through the lens of one of the most pioneering...
  10. Georgia Climate Project
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