IBM Corporate Responsibility Report

Welcome to IBM's 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report. In this report, we detail the many ways in which IBM contributes our time, technology and expertise toward making the world a better place. 

IBM has been in business for more than 100 years, a length of time that speaks to the sustainability of our business practices and to our ability to transform ourselves as markets and industries change. Our definition of corporate responsibility includes such diverse aspects as environmental responsibility; social responsibility to our workforce, clients and business partners; innovation to address critical societal needs in the communities in which we operate; and a culture of ethics and integrity — guided by a rigorous system of corporate governance — that promotes transparency on a global basis.  

At IBM, corporate responsibility is about demonstrating what we believe in through the actions we take, the examples we set and the priorities that guide us. In this report, you will see what this looks like in practice — how we integrate both our citizenship and business strategies, driving systemic societal transformation across every dimension of our engagement with civil society.

About the IBM Corporate Responsibility Report:

Communities - We continually strive to help the communities we live an work in evolve and improve.

The IBMer - Employees' personal and professional transformation is essential to our success.

Environment - Our programs and solutions demonstrate IBM's commitment to environmental protection.

Supply Chain - Social and Environmental responsibility can be found in every facet of our supply chain.

Governance - Our Corporate governance programs evolve as IBM transforms.

See examples not just in programs, but in the passion and innovation of individuals in our 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report

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Content from this campaign

Research, Reports & Publications

IBM's 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report: IBM and Good Tech
From research labs to the boardroom, responsible stewardship and trust have been hallmarks of IBM’s culture for more than a century.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

IBM and Peace Corps Among "Purposeful Global Engagement Pioneer Award" Winners!
At its 25th Anniversary Celebration in November, PYXERA Global recognized IBM, the Peace Corps, FSG and Lynka CEO John Lynch "for their work pioneering new global engagement practices that inclusively and sustainably improve lives and livelihoods worldwide."

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

IBM Wins 2015 Alliance to Save Energy Chairman's Award
IBM uses energy across its business to deliver products, services and solutions to our clients around the world. In order to be competitive and minimize our environmental impacts, we strive to reduce the energy we consume and the associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as we deliver innovation that matters to our clients. In 2014, IBM reduced or avoided the consumption of 404,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy and an associated 142,000 metric tons (MT) of CO2 emissions, while saving $37.4 million through the execution of over 2,200 energy conservation projects. These energy conservation savings were equivalent to 6.7 percent of IBM’s 2014 energy consumption, exceeding our goal of 3.5 percent.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

IBM Wins "Best Corporate Steward" Award from U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation has named IBM as the large-business recipient of the 2015 Best Corporate Steward Award. The award recognizes businesses that serve as powerful forces for good around the world. Today on Citizen IBM, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Vice President Marc DeCourcey writes about IBM’s diverse portfolio of corporate citizenship initiatives, and why they garnered high recognition from the Foundation.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

IBM Impact Grants: Delivering Service Capabilities to Nonprofits
IBM helps advance the service efforts of educational and nonprofit organizations through grants of software and consulting expertise.


IBM P-Tech model: Debt-free College Grads with Jobs
In June 2015, six students from the first P-TECH school in Brooklyn completed their program two years early — earning their high-school diplomas and college associate degrees in just four years. Five of the six were the first in their families to graduate college and all six were offered positions with IBM; three will continue their educations with scholarships at four-year colleges and universities.

Social Impact & Volunteering

IBM Employees and Retirees Contribute Time to Improve Their Communities


IBM Provides Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management
Information technology can’t stop the rain, but the intelligent collection and use of data can help governments and others plan proactively for disasters and mitigate their impact. Following the devastating Typhoon Haiyan (also known as Typhoon Yolanda), the Philippine Department of Science and Technology began working with IBM in 2013 to launch an integrated disaster management solution.

Research, Reports & Publications

IBM Releases 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report

Research, Reports & Publications

Corporate Citizenship and Purpose-Driven Transformation

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