Let's Talk Safe Tech

Have you had The Talk? IBM and Mayim Bailik partner to inspire kids and their parents to have the talk about staying safe online. Take the quiz to find your Cybersecurity Style then move onto fun activities and challenges. Love cybersecurity? You can even explore cybersecurity careers at IBM. More and more we increasingly live on our devices, trusting them with confidential information and signing over our data to companies and their websites. Chances are you're one of the many people who go to bed looking at your phone and wake up looking at your phone but do you know how to keep yourself safe online? No? Then let's talk safe tech! 

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Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

IBM Introduces $3 Million in Cybersecurity Grants for Public Schools in United States as Attacks on Education Grow
A new IBM study shows nearly 60% of school staff are unprepared for cybersecurity threats - with lack of training, awareness, budget and virtual learning identified as major issues.


Safe Tech Cybersecurity Kit for Kids and Families
Have you had The Talk? Kids and families everywhere are having the Safe Tech Talk to learn how to stay safe online


Let's Have the Talk
IBM has created and engaging suite of resources for students and families to have The Talk about staying safe online!


Let's Talk Safe Tech
When I was 13, my parents and I had the talk. No not that talk. I finally had my very own Facebook page, and we needed to have a talk about how to stay safe online.

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