Kingfisher Around the World

The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world.  It differentiates companies that are making a difference for people and the planet, and helps businesses, institutional buyers, government procurement agencies, and consumers make better informed decisions about the environmental, sustainability, and quality aspects of the products and services they use.  This campaign provides news and highlights about these certified products and the innovative companies behind them. 


Why the Kingfisher?  Kingfisher birds, ubiquitous and beloved around the world, are known for their keen vision and skillful hunting. These qualities are reminiscent of the functions we perform every day as third-party auditors in the field.  Widely recognized as indicators of environmental health, some Kingfisher species are now threatened with extinction. The SCS Kingfisher serves as a reminder of the power, beauty, and vulnerability of nature in the face of human activities.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Responsible Production & Consumption

VIDEO - Behind the Mark: Certified Sustainably Grown Living Herbs
Certified Sustainably Grown agricultural products like North Shore Living herbs and greens are leading the agricultural industry toward greater social and environmental responsibility. Learn how in our new video.

Responsible Production & Consumption

U.S. Shortfin Squid Fishery Achieves MSC Certification
The U.S. Northeast Northern Shortfin Squid fishery in the Northwest Atlantic has been certified sustainable against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries standard. The assessment was executed by independent conformity assessment body SCS Global Services and requested by Lund’s Fisheries, Inc. and The Town Dock.

Research, Reports & Publications

Sustainability at Work: SCS Global Services Releases 2018 Annual Report
SCS Founder and CEO Stanley P. Rhodes attributes the company’s growth and success to the degree that business, government, and NGO measures to promote sustainability have taken hold around the world in every economic sector.

Green Infrastructure

WEBINAR – Building Products for Healthy Interiors
Join Allergy Standards Limited and SCS Global Services to learn how certifying interior building products as asthma & allergy friendly® can differentiate your company within the growing health and wellness market. This free webinar will be held on Thursday, March 28 at 12 PM EDT.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SCS Now Offers Certification to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s® Chain of Custody Standard
SCS Global Services (SCS) is pleased to announce that it is now offering chain of custody certification to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Chain of Custody Standard. SFI is a leading certification in North America for responsible forest products.


SCS Global Services Partners With Climate Collaborative as Solutions Provider
The Climate Collaborative, a joint project of the Sustainable Food Trade Association (SFTA) and OSC2, announced today that SCS Global Services is now recognized as an official Solutions Provider partner. SCS is a leading international third-party certifier and standards developer, and a pioneer in the climate and sustainability arena. In its role as Solutions Provider, SCS will share its insights and support the efforts of the Climate Collaborative and its network of committed companies, an influential roster of climate-focused natural and organic food industry companies who are committed to undertaking bold action on behalf of climate and the environment. Read more here...

Events, Media & Communications

TRAINING: FSC® Standards and Auditing Principles
Attend this training to work towards Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) lead auditor qualification or to familiarize yourself more with the standards as a stakeholder, certificate holder, or prospective certificate holder.

Events, Media & Communications

WEBINAR - Water Stewardship Streamlined: AWS v2.0
Please join SCS Global Services and the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) to learn about the revised AWS Standard Version 2.0 on a webinar January 30, 2019 at 2:00 pm (EST).

Events, Media & Communications

Upcoming Event: Training on the FSC® Standards and Auditing Principles
Interested in attending a training on the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Standards and auditing principles? SCS Global Services’ next training is January 28 - February 1, 2019 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Spaces are limited.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SCS Global Services Becomes First North American Certifier Accredited to New RSPO Principles and Criteria Standard for Palm Oil Plantations
Following on the heels of the historic 16th Annual Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, SCS Global Services (SCS) has become the first certification body in North America accredited to conduct assessments under the stringent new RSPO Principles & Criteria (P&C) Standard. This accreditation sets the stage for SCS to certify sustainable palm plantations and mills internationally.

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  3. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  4. Climate Stabilization
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