
EcoMedia's WellnessAd program funds wellness projects across the country.

The WellnessAd Program

The core areas supported by the WellnessAd program include:

  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Healthcare Infrastructure
  • Mobile Health Clinics
  • Critically Underfunded Technologies

Content from this campaign

Social Impact & Volunteering

More than 4,200 Kids at Six Boys & Girls Clubs in King County Now Have Access to New and Enhanced Health Programs
More than 4,200 kids at six Boys & Girls Clubs in King County (BGCKC) will now have access to new and enhanced health and fitness programs.

Health & Healthcare

Empire BlueCross BlueShield Provides Students in Need Access to Free and Healthy Meals

Health & Healthcare

UnitedHealthcare Supports Volunteers Of America Greater New Orleans’ Fresh Food Factor

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