Fifth Third set an ambitious goal to power the Bank’s operations across its national footprint – including more than 1,000 retail locations and operational facilities across 11 states – with 100% renewable power.
The Henkel Scholarship Program was established to assist the children of employees in North America who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs.
Forestry best management practices (BMPs) are voluntary practices that forestry professionals follow to protect water quality in the areas that they manage.
FedEx is committed to environmental sustainability and has been working with One Tree Planted to plant trees in areas that need them most. These trees will help to improve air quality, reduce heat, and create healthier, more livable communities.
During the FY 2023/24 reporting year, Lenovo continued to measure and monitor both non-hazardous and hazardous waste generation volumes and disposal methods through an internal environmental database.