Promoting Employee Well-Being and Safety at IP

Our approach to fostering healthy people and communities covers internal imperatives — employee well-being; diversity and inclusion; and recruitment, development and retention — as well investing in the communities in which we live and work.

A Q&A With Nannette Ho-Covernton, Sustainability Leader at Spartan Controls

Several of our sustainability commitments have roots that span Spartan’s six-decade history. In our first fixed Calgary facility, our founders implemented a specific architectural design aimed at conserving energy and promoting employee interaction.

Progress Toward Vision 2030: Improve Our Climate Impact and Advance Water Stewardship

Several of our mills successfully reduced their water usage in 2022 and have developed best practices that are useful for our enterprise-wide knowledge sharing.

Energizing Communities Through Donations, Sponsorships and Employee Volunteerism

Our corporate citizenship program, Enbridge Fueling Futures, supports programs that strengthen the safety, vibrancy and sustainability of our communities.

A Closer Look: Teaming Up To Reduce GHG Emissions

Engaging with key stakeholders on the development of a robust GHG emissions accounting framework for land use is foundational to our commitment to reduce operational and value chain GHG emissions.

Improved Corporate Data Is an Enabler for the SDGs

With the annual stock-take on the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) taking place in New York next month, GRI is supporting two side-events that will put the spotlight on the central role of sustainability reporting data in driving SDGs progress.

Bayer Supports Smallholder-Centric Solutions

Our increased focus on smallholder farmers means an increase in products tailored to their needs.

Bayer's Positive Impact on Smallholder Livelihoods

Smallholder farmers hold incredible potential on our journey towards global food security when they can access the modern agricultural solutions they need to increase their productivity, better their livelihoods and work more sustainably.

Bayer: Empowering SmallHolder Farmers

Approximately 97 percent of the world’s farmers farm on less than 10 hectares (about 25 acres) of land. They represent approximately 550 million smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), especially across Asia and Africa.

Case Study: A Lifecycle Approach to Energy Infrastructure

When the ground thaws above the 50th parallel in Saskatchewan in the spring of 2023, an Enbridge crew will be seeding a swath of farmland. At a site where our wind turbines produced clean energy for two decades, agricultural production is about to resume.

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