Impact That Resonates Everywhere You Work

CR Experts Weigh in on the Trends Shaping Their Regions – And the World

Sustainable Development Goals in Corporate Reporting: What Matters to Investors?

Investors care about how companies are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but businesses don't always report the right information. GA new publication by the Global Reporting Initiative, Principles of Responsible Investment and the UN Global Compact issues 10 recommendations for businesses to meet investor needs in reporting on their SDG progress.

“Total Impact Valuation” – Monetizing the Enterprise’s “Cost-Benefit Analysis” of Impact on Society? This is for CEOs –Advice From The Conference Board

Today’s question for corporate CEO’s: Have you examined your company’s “Total Impact Valuation,” a new approach being advanced by The Conference Board, wherein the enterprises’ impact on society is monetized (cost/benefit evaluated and value attached)?

A small group of companies is doing these exercises. Think of their efforts to date as expanding the usual reporting of “Input/Output” to seriously consider (1) Outcomes, (2) Impacts, (3) Cost and Benefit to Society (and to the company).

This appears to us to have the potential to take corporate sustainability reporting to expanded (new) levels for at least the publicly-traded large caps - that is, if enough investors jump aboard the concept and ask for the information.

CIT Gives Back During Annual Volunteer Month

CIT Group Inc. today announced the results of its annual employee volunteer initiative, CIT Cares Month. Throughout June, more than 250 community projects were completed by 1,900 volunteers over 7,300 hours across 18 locations to make a difference.

VIDEO | Barclays Citizenship Awards: Digital Eagles US Team Promotes Digital Fluency in the Next Generation

To promote digital fluency in the next generation, the Digital Eagles US team successfully co-ordinated and ran monthly coding sessions for students at schools across New York and New Jersey. T

Video: Investing in Sustainable Development Goals Pays Off

UN Sustainable Development Goals give companies and investors a unique chance to create a better world. In this video, prominent members from the investor world explain why the SDGs matter when it comes to making better investment decisions.

Bechtel Volunteers with Engineers Without Borders Successfully Finish Drinking Water Project

Bechtel is committed to continuous community involvement, charitable giving, and economic development in communities where we live and work. Bechtel Group Foundation partners with EWB to use engineering and construction skills to improve quality of life.

What Can Sustainability Reporting Learn From the Evolution of Digital Music?

With the Digital Reporting Tool, GRI has taken its first step toward making sustainability data available and accessible in digital format. As we drive innovative formats in corporate sustainability reporting beyond PDFs, what can we learn from the path the music industry took as they evolved from vinyl to CDs to digital streaming?

Companies Take on Climate Change with "We Mean Business"

The We Mean Business coalition was formed to organize a critical mass of the business world to make progress on climate change. With its no-nonsense brand name, formidable numbers, and world-class leadership, the coalition is poised to be a dominant player in directing businesses toward taking stands on strategies and practices that define climate change as a business opportunity, not just an environmental disaster.

Brands Taking Stands | Defining Climate Change as a Business Opportunity

The We Mean Business coalition was formed to organize a critical mass of the business world to make progress on climate change. With its no-nonsense brand name, formidable numbers, and world-class leadership, the coalition is poised to be a dominant player in directing businesses toward taking stands on strategies and practices that define climate change as a business opportunity, not just an environmental disaster.

Latest Campaigns

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