Domtar Helps Clean America's Hardest Working River

Domtar Corporation (NYSE: UFS) (TSX: UFS) designs, manufactures, markets and distributes a wide variety of fiber-based products, including communication papers, specialty and packaging papers, and absorbent hygiene products. The foundation of our business is a network of world-class wood fiber-converting assets that produce papergrade, fluff and specialty pulp.

Ceres Report Proposes New 21st Century Electric Utility Model Aligned with Clean Energy Goals

As regulators, industry representatives and advocates discuss power sector challenges at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) annual meeting, Ceres today releases a report outlining a pathway to align the electric utility business model with increased clean energy deployment and long-term financial viability amid growing climate change concerns. The rapid pace of technological change, falling renewable energy prices, increased energy efficiency, and policymaker focus on low-carbon energy and customer choice are increasingly challenging the traditional utility business model – yet as the report lays out, there are win-win solutions.

Wynn Resorts Issues Annual Social Responsibility Report

Wynn Resorts released its annual Social Responsibility Report highlighting the company’s ongoing initiatives to enrich the lives of its employees and the betterment of its surrounding communities.

GSSB to Issue GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards in 2016

The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), an independent standard-setting body created by GRI, approved plans to transition the GRI G4 Guidelines to GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards).

Do You Know if Slavery Lives in Your Supply Chain? If You Don't Know, You're Not Alone.

Slavery is typically a problem that is thought to be in areas that are not close to us, when in reality these issues are closer then people realize. As companies begin to grow their operations into other markets and work with suppliers and distributors from across the world, knowing what type of labor is going into your expanding supply chain has been top of mind. The idea that modern day slavery does not exist in supply chains is quickly fading as more accounts of this unethical practice are being uncovered. Not all countries are immune to this problem, as slavery has been found in operations here within the United States. There are several levels of slavery that can plague a company and many times those areas where it penetrates is directly into the supply chain.

Ceres President Mindy Lubber Statement, in Response to the World Federation of Exchanges' Sustainability Reporting Guidance Launch

The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) issued new guidance on sustainability disclosures. Thirty-three specific KPI's are included in the recommendations. Mindy Lubber, President of the advocacy organization Ceres, issued a statement on the WFE launch.

Reducing Environmental Impact

T. Rowe Price’s 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report describes the firm’s progress on its commitment to reduce environmental impact. Between 2010 and 2014, the firm cut landfill waste by 49%, expanded recycling by 79%, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 3%, all while the associate population grew 30%.

Kering and BSR Tackle Resilience to Climate Change for Luxury Fashion

Kering and BSR published a report today on tackling resilience to climate change in luxury fashion. The report is a first analysis of climate change and its consequences for the Luxury sector.

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